Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mary Worth Adventures #447

And he wanted to deposit a very impressive number into my bank account... all he needed was the account and routing numbers. What a dear. But I wouldn't let him. I want to pay for my own wedding since I'm only going to do this once.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Oh, I wish I had a pencil-thin moustashe, Boston Blackie style.

  2. Adrian, stop with the touching! She gets creepier by the day. Ewww...

  3. Chester - I agree! I would hate someone constantly touching my face like that! yuck.

    From Mary's expression, it looks like her "spider sense is tingling", as Spiderman would say. Some radar is going up, for sure. It's about time, Mary; the moustache was a dead give away. Sheesh!

  4. No, no, you have it all wrong. Adrian is the scammer and poor Ted is the victim. Can't you all see that Adrian is a guy in drag?

  5. Quick, somebody teach poor Joe Giella to draw some other female hairstyle. What's he got? Pony tail (the ice skater (I can't believe I've already forgotten her name!) and the Information Technology Chicka), helmet hair (Dawn and Adrian), Mary's pompadour, Toby's...whatever, and bathing caps. It's getting rather boring.


  6. In the second panel, Adrian appears to be morphing into Eleanor Roosevelt. Yesterday, it was Tokyo Rose.

  7. Considering all the nonsense that has been spouted so far, would someone please explain Ted's reacttion to Adrian disclosing his wish to elope?

  8. I think that Ted's reaction is affirmation that he is trying to scam Adrian. Or, he could be embarrassed to seem so desperate. That is my take.

  9. He regrets all this coming alight because he is really not Ted, but Tammy!

  10. What with all the compulsive touching, and the weird I'm-not-from-this-planet body language they share as a couple .... I'm begining to think that the "Santa Royale Fan Club" is a euphemism for a type of website for fans of practices that can't be mentioned to your father/prospective-father-in-law... much less on a nice family blog like this one...

    Maybe these two were meant for each other after all?

  11. I think the clincher as to Ted's bad character will be when they all get their coats, and Ted's is a long black cape, accompanied by a top hat.


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