Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mary Worth Adventures #449

"I hope so dearest daughter... because if you aren't... and your relationship is anything like the manipulating, oppressive, co-dependent, prison I find myself in, the rest of your life will be a never-ending nightmare."

Today's Full Strip


  1. Did ya' notice in #448 another black haired person with blue highlights shows up at the next table? Another close relative? In today's strip, is that a mirror behind the good doctor, or is it one of her black haired blue highlights relative. This is often referred to as the Paul Pennington Effect.

  2. I think that Mary has been strangely quiet. I wonder what she is thinking?

  3. Yes, I also find it peculiar that Mary hasn't said a word about the benefits of dating a man for years,
    and years,
    and years.....

  4. Poor Ted has no idea what he's getting himself into.

  5. Yes, Mary has been strangely quiet. Perhaps that is because she's being kept busy pulling that string of wax out of Adrian's ear. That could help Adrian to think more clearly.

    On the other hand, it's possible that she's sticking something INTO Adrian's ear.

  6. I love those dark stormy lines gathering over Dr. Jeff's head. And when Adrian said previously that they were getting married in August, is that in Mary Worth time? Because that takes us smack into the year 2013 our time. Will we be sitting through 4 years of Adrian picking out bridesmaid dresses?

  7. Mary's brow is a bit furrowed the last couple of days as she's taking this all in. However, HUNGER is taking it's toll! The serving sizes at this restaurant are anything but substantial! She's had wine and coffee and a few grains of something. But I have yet to see anything to satisfy anyone's appetite!
    They should have gone to a nice Italian restaurant. Just my opinion.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. See that look on Jeff's face? Here's why Mary has been so quiet--she's been concentrating on bending Jeff's will to do her bidding: "Dearest Daughter, be happy or die, die, DIE!! It will amuse me!"

  10. This dinner has been going on for weeks now. Does anyone in Santa Royale ever use the rest room? That dinner of green (unseen) mush has to go somewhere.

    August wedding? I think we will still be at the Golden Corridor then. Waiter McSnooty will be cashing out by then.

    Mary is quiet cause she ran out of her T mobile thought balloon moments, she should have gone for the meddle by minute plan.

    Right now, I'd rather be seeing SCOTLAND for the billionth time


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