Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mary Worth 458

This looks like a job for TOBY BRYANT!

I can't believe they didn't order coffee after their meal.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Jeez, what kind of establishment is this where Zeke can just sit back there in his bright blue hunting cap and smirk at the dandy whose card was just denied? Somebody oughtta teach him some manners.

  2. Zeke, nothing. Look more closely, that's Kim Jong-il when he was younger.

  3. Zeke is exhibiting the worst kind of schaudenfreude. All I can say is it's a sad state of affairs when you respond to a nice couple having an Exclamation Point moment with gripping your glass and gleefully giggle. I'm appalled.

  4. I can't believe you didn't comment on yesterday's strip. Dr Jeff said Adrian would make a wonderful mother.

    It disturbed me, but I would really like that happening.

  5. It appears that Adrian is more startled about Ted's credit card than Ted himself. I hope she'll be able to provide a bail out plan, lest the two of them spend a few hours washing dishes.

  6. The problem being that this is just a piece of cardboard with "credit card" written on it in blue crayon.

  7. Adrian is Worthy ready!

    What a performance. She loves her performance so much she has to touch her OWN face!

    Uh, yea, Ted, they stopped taking credit cards, with the hand drawn peace village logo, a long time ago.

    Toby Bryson, where are you?

  8. Chester the Dog: Looks more like Adrian is about to slap herself in the face.

    Anon: Kim Jong-il isn't that tall, unless he's using mirrors.

    Remember: this incident is called foreshadowing, and it's a sign you're reading a quality comic strip...

  9. Oh man, I can't believe no one thinks Ted is Worthy ready with his artful dodge in the first panel. Sidestepping Adrian's request with "It's not too late to elope!" is just an awesome move. Who among us would not be thrilled to hear our own fiance say the same thing?

    Bounced check, please!

  10. Gosh, Karen, we sure didn't see this turn of events coming.

  11. Quality comic today indeed; it's great!!

    I, too, thought Adrian was slapping herself. I love how her scarf is even poofing up!

    Anon & Spike: that COULD be Kim Jong-il If you look closely, he isn't sitting at a table!

    Yesterday I thought they were hinting that Adrian may be pregnanat. They sure are looking at her funny! That one kiss alone that WE saw put a shop out of business! I'm telling you, Ted is a force of nature!

  12. Vicki: I concede the possibilty of a cameo appearance in MW by The Great Leader (formerly "The Dear Leader") in the interest of international peace and harmony and I rescind my earlier remark about mirrors as well. [Are you happy now, Rush?]

    Let's face it: Ted doesn't want anyone at those catering halls to recognize him as a "repeat customer" for a wedding party.

    Note the cool swan painting/photo behind Adrian. The swan is a recurring leitmotif in MW, first introduced as two glass tchotchkes given to Mary by her late husband Jack. [They were subsequently broken/smashed/destroyed by a drunken female friend of Mary's a few story arcs back.]

    Foreshadowing and Leitmotif: Sure signs that you are reading a quality comic strip.

  13. Just how much did their salad, stew and dessert cost, anyway?

  14. How could they deny his special "The Fair City of Santa Royale Internet Fan Club" credit card? Surely it has an unlimited credit limit for all the glamorous exploits one can sample there!

  15. Oh, my goodness-- yes, it's the swan motif! I can't believe I missed it! Adrian's hand is even guiding our eyes in the general direction of that lonely (single!) swan.
    That sure was a sad day in the Worthiverse when Mary's precious glass swans were broken. I can still see the image of the broom and the dust pan full of broken swan pcs.*shudder*

  16. Ted is so suave, he can probably smile and say; ''I will gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today!'' and get away with it...THIS time!

  17. I think the guy in the background is the gas station attendant who stole Toby's credit card so long ago. With a haircut so as to appear "swank".

  18. I still log on, just to gaze at todays strip. Pure delight.

    And poor waiter McSnooty, won't be getting a tip for this lunch. I hope he spit in Ted's stew. He just can't get a break.

    I guess Adrian will be going back to her Swing Out Sister cover band, after all. Showtime in the ICU!

    Vicki: good idea about Ted wanting to avoid the catering halls. Makes perfect sense.

  19. I guess Ted maxed out his credit card donating to Peace Village. yeah, that's the ticket. lol.

  20. I prefer to believe (for a brief moment before the story continues in the direction we all know it's going) that Adrian has been using Ted's card without his knowledge and that exclamation point is a sign of dismay at the impending discovery of her larceny.


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