Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mary Worth 466

It is unfortunate that when Simon and Schuster published David Gamby's new novel, TINT, they printed so much of it backwards. It really killed sales.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Bingo! I wonder what lame excuse Ted will come up with to avoid actually donating. Or, if Adrian would just elope already, he could just use her cash...

  2. I think Ted is gaming Adrian. His constant talk of elopement is actually reverse psychology to get her even more determined to put on THE wedding of weddings--the likes of which Santa Royale has never seen before. Then he'll steer Adrian to his catering/florist/musician/etc. buddies who will give him a cut of whatever Adrian is invoiced for. With that money, Ted will make the donation to Peace Village. The only problem now is that Adrian's suspicions are not prompting her to move faster, but slower. And now he has to deal with Doctor Jeff's bubbling rage. I see much hilarity in our future.

    I'm sorry--Ted as scumbag con man? I don't see it. Altruistic, generous con man, yes.


  3. What book is Jeff holding...Medicine for Dummies?

  4. We haven't seen Dr. Jeff Corey in a few "days". I do believe he has gone for some Botox, as he is looking quite youthful in panel two! He doesn't look terribly worried about the donation, though. I'm sure it's just an oversight on Ted's part. Yeah.

    Oh, what weirdness is it that every single book in SR, EVER, is colored gray!!? Do you suppose even the children's books at the SR Public Library are gray?

  5. What's the matter with all you cynics? The poor boy obviously can't make good on his pledge to Peace Village because of the tragedy that is identity theft. He must be so embarassed. It's just heart breaking.

  6. I knew it was only a matter of time before product placement intrudes into the world of fine comic strips! Next time, Jeff, hold the book so the full cover can be seen! In tomorrow's strip, Adrian will drink from a refreshing bottle of Yoohoo.

  7. Pity that I only edit nonfiction for S&S; it would have been a thrill to see something I worked on in Jeff's hands.

  8. Adrian's got the shiniest dress I've ever seen in panel 1. And why is there only one breed of flower in the entire Worthiverse? Those stupid pink puffs are driving me nuts.

  9. Vicki: Santa Royale has no public library. It was shut down a few years ago when Mary volunterred as childrens story teller. Several children were traumatized by her reading of the storybook "Delighting in the Insignificant"


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