Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mary Worth 478

What a relief. For just a moment I was worried that Ted was talking to Grimace.

The winning entry in our most recent Not-A-Real-Contest contest, as selected by the Condo Board, is Robert's: "Adrien [sic], have you ever clutched your purse to your chest, like I'm doing, to keep muggers, thieves, and men you're dating from getting their hands on it? Because it's a maneuver you need to learn." Congratulations, Robert, for this tremendous honor! You may submit your Charterstone Jukebox song suggestion to the Condo Board via my email address in the right hand column of this blog. And thank you to everyone who participated.

Fortunately, Mary's question, while taking two days to get to, proved to be quite worth the wait. "Does Ted have family?" Brilliance. Pure brilliance.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Is there any chance that Ted is really who he says he is? That Moy has set us all up? That Mary all along has recognized Ted's intrinsic goodness and decency as well as that he is a victim of the hard eceonomic times afflicting everyone outside Santa Royale? That his sister suffers from a horrible disease and that Ted's money is going for her care? Naaah!

  2. Fact: Mary's thought balloons can play audio/video snippets.

    Fact: Adrian is dumber than a bale of hay.

  3. Chester: That's Dr. Adrian to you.

  4. Re; Robert's winning comment..."have you ever clutched your purse to your chest, like I'm doing, to keep muggers, thieves, and men you're dating from getting their hands on it?"
    Begs the question - to keep them from getting their hands on your purse or your chest?

  5. Tony brings up a good point. Santa Royale seems to be recession proof.

  6. Do YOU have ANY FAMILY, MARY?!

  7. Congratulations, Robert! That is quite an honor bestowed upon you by the esteemed Charterstone board!

    Oh my, Mary looks so stern--not a HINT of a smile in panel two! It could still be her bladder problems, though. Usually when she meddles she has that "holier-than-thou" look. This time it's all business.
    And Adrian looks extremely doe-eyed. What a dufus she is! She has the maturity of a second grader. (Not trying to insult second graders, though)

  8. Congratulations to Robert for working out what Mary's question would be before she did. :)

    Maybe that is why she looks so sour in today's image. Either that or the scampi is definitely off.

    I must admit I was entranced by Mary's Live Action Replay thought balloon but Adrian's casual gesture of genteel nonchalance when revealing the existence of a sister was what made today's strip just perfect.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.