Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mary Worth 489

It's been a crazy week in Santa Royale, California, where Dr. Adrian Corey was full of conflicting emotions and feelings about accepting a dinner invitation with a local lawman.

Fortunately, Mary had shown up at the Mountview Hospital after she finished her shift as a desk clerk at the Santa Royal Qantas Inn. She had lots of great perspective to offer Adrian on how she will definitely marry this guy. I mean, he is the law after all.

Sadly, though, after her experience with bigamist deadbeat dad Ted, Adrian has a court order that she can't date without her father's approval. But Adrian's okay with that; she knows it's for her own good. Also, she's under house arrest and has to live with her dad again. Because, although she's a doctor and stuff, emotionally, she's like in the eighth grade.

So, Adrian decides to accept the date, but first she has to convince father that it'll be okay.

"It's okay Dad. I'm going out with an officer of the law. We're going to a restaurant of quality where the servers of food will bring us salads of the house and specials of the night. Then we'll go to the house of the movies to see a picture of motion."

But Dr. Corey isn't easily persuaded...

Sadly, for Adrian, Detective Scott Hewlett is going to have to dance a merengue with Jeff to prove his worthiness. Next week is going to be quite a week I'm sure!


  1. Way to get right back on that horse, Adrian! Why take time to figure out why you fall in love with every pair of pants that buys you a steak?

    I'm pretty sure this guy is perfect for Adrian, after all, he's a cop. Drew Peterson was a cop and that seems to have worked out well, at least for the two wives who lived to divorce him - not so much for the other two.

  2. Hey Moy, WHAT ABOUT THE 50 GRAND???

  3. The editor in me shrieks that you meet standards, you don't pass them.
    And, yeah, what about that 50 grand? Maybe Officer Redford get it back for will just about cover their wedding reception at the Bum Boat.

  4. Too funny, Wanders! I'm going to use Adrianspeak tomorrow at the cooler of water. Keep up the work of good!

  5. Oooh a wedding a the Bum Boat! I hope it is catered by the Golden Corridor, as they have better mush and Tang.


  6. Jeff's appearance is changing rapidly today as the rage coarses through his body. "How DARE Adrian accept a date with yet another man, before running it by me first!?" And Adrian's defiant blue/yellow face moment is stunningly demonic! What a creepy relationship she and her dad have!

  7. I've been giving some thought to the standards Scott Hewlett will have to pass -- erp, meet. I mean, how high must they be seeing how Jeff himself dates Mary Worth? First, he's going to have to like sea food; that's a given. Second, well... I can't come up with any others. Ideas?

  8. Mary doing with her hand in today's (Mon.) comic!? Also, is something wrong with her eye? It looks more strange than usual. What a way to start off the week!

  9. he'll have to enjoy boats. No landlubbers!

  10. He'll have to drink coffee.

    He'll have to understand that Peace Village is special to Jeff's heart.

    He'll have to follow through on any pledges that result from the aforementioned understanding.

    But the most difficult standard of all: He'll have to buy into the illusion that Adrian is a "successful professional woman" who "works hard"

  11. Another standard to "pass" apparently is you need to think of fifty thousand dollars as mere pocket change!

    Also, being that Jeff is an M.D., another question might be "do you have regular check-ups, including prostate exams?" (Yes, I realize "Adrian is also an M.D., but I highly doubt she even knows what a prostate is. That would be too "icky", and not worthy of diligent study.)

  12. 50 Grand is missing and nobody seems to care but US!

  13. A few WEEKS? What the heck is going on here? Where's the fifty grand? Where is Mary's right eye? What about the "real" Queenie?

  14. I hate to bring this up, but some time back (weeks or years, hard to say) Jeff was mentioning that his son, Drew, sounded distant ... and not just physically either! And he wasn't forthcoming. So I'm imagining that by now he's in a Hanoi hospital bed and in urgent need of a wider course of antibiotics. Jeff was going to rush out there, but his knees started to bother him.
    Can we move on to Drew in Hanoi already?
    Or Jeff's knees?

  15. I hate to bring this up, but if Jeff's man cabin is a ranch (one story) house, where does the flight of stairs that he is in front of lead to?

  16. chester the dog: It's obviously a Stairway to Heaven.

  17. oh he has to enjoy polite poolside conversation as well.

    Where do those stairs lead!? Perhaps to the 50 thousand dollars!!!

  18. Chester the dog:
    In Jeff's single story ranch house, where does a flight of stairs lead? To bad knees.

  19. For everyone who keeps asking about the $50,000, I asked the same question a few weeks ago and Wanders assured me that it wasn't about the money. So I guess you all better get over it. lol. Anyway, I was also wondering what was wrong with Mary's eye. And what is up with Jeff's eyes? Yesterday he had these brown/hazel eyes looking like he was from the "Omen" when Adrian was telling him about her date. Today, his eyes are blue?

  20. The latest in colored contact lenses are changing the way people in Santa Royal think about their signature "look". Jeff wore his "omen" pair for a late afternoon talk with Adrian, but changed into "azure" for an evening with Mary.

    And while Jeff anxiously waits at the bottom of the stairs for Adrian to reappear, (reminding me a little of my dog), Mary has the chance to switch her own lenses from "white" to "black".

  21. Adrian's yellow and blue face reminded me of war paint, like in that movie Braveheart.....Dr. Cory needs to apply his, so the two of them can let that "detective" know that they are forces to be reckoned with....

  22. Thanks canardoie, that explains everything. lol.

  23. Another question: Why is Jeff waiting for Adrian by the 'stairs' when it has already been established that she changes her clothes in her car?... He should be waiting by the garage door!

  24. Regardng the May 15 strip, look at the arrow under "EMER". If the sign does say "EMERGENCY" then we should not see the pointy end of the arrow, unless the sign really says "FEMER" (femur-as in leg), or "TREMER" (tremor-as in shakes) or "MEMER" (murmor-as in heart). Someone really has to spell check the important signs at Mountview.

  25. What I find creepy is that Jeff is standing at the bottom of the stairs in the first place -- waiting like "Father Knows Best" for Adrian to come down the stairs as her date arrives, as if she were 17 and going to the prom. She is a grown woman, college educated (we assume), with a life of her own. (BTW -- Adrian DOES have her own place, doesn't she?) Surely she's at least 30-something. And screening her boyfriends?? Geez -- With her bad choice of Tedward aside, it's still HER life and HER own mistakes!

    I guess I'm just trying to interject too much reality into this Outer Limits-type storyline....

  26. About the EMER sign... Could Adrian be discussing her overprotective father while heading directly into a room full of SCHEMERS?

  27. Well done, Chester and Anonymous! I spent a few unproductive minutes wondering what (else) EMER might stand for.

  28. I just love todays strip, with Adrian clomping down the wooden attic stairs in her cheap Fabco shoes, and even cheaper Dollar Tree dress, all wrinkled from being in the trunk of her car.

    She looks like she is one scalpel short of a doctors bag. Definietly headedd for the looney bin.

    Run, Officer Redford, run!

  29. Pandagrama: How did you know? Today, Adrian leaps down the stairs as her date arrives, just like a 17-year-old going to the prom! She's so young...

    No, I take that back. A 17 year old would act WAY more reserved. vulnerable...

    And the announcement "I'll get it!" whispered in a thought bubble? fragile.

  30. Ok, things are beginning to add up for me now. I've concluded that Jeff's man cabin is demon possessed! Mary's weird eye and hand contortions from yesterday, Jeff's raging omen eyes, his brown/blue shirt shoulder today that makes NO design sense...Adrian is loonier and loonier...and where's the coffee!?

  31. Oh yeah, and one more thing--Mary is copying Adrian's finger-to-chin pose from Sunday. Was she even there to SEE that? Bizarro!

  32. All is right with the world now that Mary has stuck her oar in but that does not guarantee smooth sailing by any means, no siree - not when some cheeky prankster has obviously glued Mary's finger to her chin in an attempt to make her look thoughtful.

    The staircase is obviously a means by which to access a dimensional portal which connects Jeff's man cabin with Adrian's apartment/car. I would suspect that Adrian would be spending so much time at her father's because her car would still cause her such heartache. The memories of Ted that would linger in the upholstery would be enough to make any lass cry.

  33. Now I remember what the staircase reminds me of! There is a scene in Star Trek Generations where Kirk goes up the creaky wooden stairs of his tiny cabin and finds himself in the horse stable instead of the bedroom, because of the Nexxus.; Picard follows him and hilarity ensues.

  34. Jeff could pass for an older Kirk, Mary could pass for Picard, but weren't we anticipating a beautiful woman at the top of the Nexxus stairs?

    So, how many times, do you think, has Det. Scott had to ring the bell while Adrian works to figure out the door knob? "I think I can. I think I can." "I WILL get it!"

  35. I love the incongruity of Jeff explaining to Mary that Adrian is just getting over a bad relationship--a relationship that Mary and Adrian have already had a conversation about, apparently (based on the previous dialog) a few weeks ago. What I'm wondering is if things have just sped along out of all control, and Adrian is now recovering from her third or fourth bad relationship since this whole story began. Do we even really know who is on the other side of the door that Adrian is about to open? Suppose it's her therapist, whom she has been "seeing" (professionally, of course) since the relationship with Detective Scott went south?

    I think the stairs lead to the room in which the secrets of the Dharma Initiative are housed.


  36. Or maybe not, my bad. (Just re-read yesterday's strip) Unless the Dharma Initiative is involved somehow...


  37. Or perhaps Adrien was upstairs (in her car)watching an old episode of 'All in the Family" (First run in Santa Royale these days, and still quite controversial). Perhaps she is imitating what she saw on her black and white TV screen, Edith Bunker barreling down the stairs to answer the door. "I'lllll gettt itttttt!"

  38. I don't think I would want Adrian for my doctor after seeing the way she has childishly skipped down the stairs to answer the door. How old is she anyway?

  39. How old is DOCTOR Adrian Corey? In the real world, Suzann Pershing graduated from medical school at 18 years old and Heenal Raichura became one of the youngest doctors in the world at the age of 22...

  40. Ok duckduck, but do you really think that Adrian is a child prodigy? or teenage prodigy?

  41. QUITE THE CONTRARY Anonymous. Exactly why I started with the words, 'In the real world'.

    It's just that in Santa Royal, I can't imagine any other explanation for our adolescent doctor, outside of the Dharma Initiative, Outer Limits, or the Nexxus.

  42. Chester, wanting to meet LydiaMay 19, 2009 at 10:24 PM

    How old do you have to be to drive a car with no steering wheel?

    This may be all a fantasy in young Adrians mind as she endlessly circles around the driveway in her Sit and Spin, waiting for her unseen mother to call her in for dinner.

  43. Chester may be right, the bald faceless mannequins in the store window (her dolls), the endlesses glasses of Tang (all her father feeds her), her play doctor attitude, her play fake pop pearls, Ted (looking just like her old Sonny Bono doll) and her car (that she is unable to drive),

    Is this all a young girls fantasy?

    I can just see her in her attic bedroom, spinning like Lynn on ice "Lets play, lets pretend"

  44. "Hello Scot T. Thank you for the nine flowers"

    Adrian's thought cloud: (Four red roses and five weedy daisies = no baserunning for Scot T.)

    "Um, Scot T., I changed my clothes for the date, couldn't you have, too"?

  45. Bwahahaha, has Mary been SNUBBED, or what!!!??? Girl, where are your manners!?

    "I'd like you to meet my father..."
    Adrian will soon realize her faux pas and mumble something like: "Oh, yeah... and Mary Worth, one of his friends" from the hospital"

  46. Scott hands Adrian the flowers and says, "These are for you," clearing up any confusion that they might be for someone else. (Although, if he were smart, he would have brought some for Mary.)

  47. Please say Adrian's doctorate is in candy stripe management.

  48. Well, if I was going out on a first date with someone I wanted to impress, I would wear something that was...not hideous.

  49. Lord, the poor patients at Mountview, being ignored like this. Did Jeff and Adrian sign their hippocratic(sp)oath in some lost paperwork?

  50. Adrian found a dress in the attic which was more tolerable yesterday, when it was a 1970's polyester mini.

    Today, it's a large-busted cow-print square dance costume, thrown in the wash with red socks. Maybe if she wore boots.

  51. "I used to have a printer named Hewlett. I wonder if you're related..."

  52. Oh dear. It was bad enough when Adrian was dating a bigamist conman but now it appears she's about to become involved with the Son of Sam.

    This can't be good.

  53. Officer Recford's got that lazy eye thing going on, and the attic stairs have been taking growth pills.

    Jeff, oh, Jeff, don't try to make nice with the officer. You HAVE to pay that parking ticket.

  54. Oh my goodness, Numbat... "Son of Sam" hahaha

    Chester, my company actually makes stairs, so of course, the first thing I noticed today (5/21), was The ENORMOUS staircase! The risers on those stairs were so steep that Adrian must have rappelled down!

  55. Ha! You guys are cracking me up. Between the "printer named Hewlett," the "Son of Sam," and Jeff trying to get out of a parking ticket, I've got nothing to add.

  56. Hewlett is such a common name. finds 26 'S. Hewlett" listings in California alone, including 2 Scott and one Sam.

    And...the same site finds several Adrian Corys listed in the good ol' US of A!

  57. Tuffenuf: I sure hope those elongated risers aren't a new trend in your industry! If Adrian has tumbled down those things enough times on her head, it might explain why she is so goofy! Our noggins can take only so many hits before permanent damage sets in.

    duckduck--i love your description of Adrian's outfit! Maybe if she looked through the box again, she could find some go-go boots.

  58. This guy must be an impostor, a fraud. The real Detective Scott Hewlett had a stronger jaw bone, a longer face, and a cleft chin. The real Scott must have wrapped up the Convice investigation weeks ago and returned to the field office in Sacramento.

    THIS 'Scott' is from the resident agency mailroom, an amateur sleuth who stumbled upon both Adrian's file and Scott's jacket.

  59. 5-21: Coming tomorrow:

    Jeff: "...I used to know a Sam Hewlett! I wonder if you're related?"

    Scott: "Why? Does he owe you money, too?"

    Jeff: "Adrian, you're grounded!"

    Adrian: "But Daaaad!"

  60. The infantilization of Adrian continues

  61. so Jeff is approximately 65 years old hmmm... Mary is a heck of alot older than that....

  62. Perhaps they could have a seance and see if it's ok with Sam Hewlett for Scott and Adrian to start dating.

    Adrian is looking so hopeful...

  63. 1962!!! Hahahahahahah! Dream on, Jeff.

  64. Well, that's Standard #1, met and passed. While Ted only spent a small part of his childhood in Santa Royal, Scott's long departed father actually KNEW JEFF in high school. But the heat is still on. How much more must Scott do to earn the words 'he's a keeper'?

    Any detective would appreciate Jeff's guarded approach, though, and Scott appears undaunted. For awhile there, he had his hand on the Peace Village pledge, until Jeff gave him both the name of Sam Hewlett's school AND the dates.

  65. Jeff and Scott are hitting it off so well. It looks like Adrian found her FATHER a date. ROFL

  66. Well, it looks like Scott will pass Jeff's inspection. But will Adrian pass Scott's?

  67. One of the BEST people Jeff has ever knew?
    I agree, djangosmom, Scott could do better than Adrian.

    Does anyone else see him with Vera Shields?

  68. Jeff is so full of praise for Scott's dad that Mary must be feeling very left out about now! I mean, she gets NO flowers, NO proper introduction, NO superlatives. And she can't stand Adrian, anyway. She just wants to forget all this fawning and hurry on down to the Bum Boat for the senior special, b/f the scampi runs out!

  69. Good one

  70. So Jeff knew Scott's dad at Santa Royale High, home of the Fighting Meddlers!


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