Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mary Worth 491

The week started out very promising. In so many ways, Mary Worth reminds me of the most brilliant television show of all time: LOST on ABC. Monday's strip was no exception as I believed we were going to be treated to a few weeks of flashbacks of Jeff and Sam's glory days, and how fate began to lay the groundwork for their children to grow up and marry. If Mary Worth teaches us anything, it is that fate controls us all and we do not have Free Will, which is the major philosophical question on LOST.

But it turned out that Dad's stories were going to have to wait if Adrian and Scott were going to keep their reservation at La Rosa! La Rosa is the most romantic restaurant on earth. It is, of course where Mary and Ron used to skip out behind Jeff's back. I'm sure Adrian bringing it up in front of them both must have opened a lot of sores.

At this point I started to wonder if perhaps Scott might actually be Sam, something like Ageless Richard on the LOST Island. And I wasn't surprised to hear Sam had been a hero, because I notice that Superman and Batman never seem to get old either.

Charity work? Did he say charity? That is perfect, since Jeff has a daughter who is a total charity case when it comes to men. And if that doesn't work out, he can still make an impressive pledge to the Peace Village. At the very least, let's hope the Hewletts are good for the $50,000 Adrian handed out to the first man who called her "Queenie."

That's the great thing about women, isn't it Jeff? They want to believe anything. All it takes is knowing the secret combination of words to rob them of their heart, will and money. Jeff read about it in an e-book he ordered online.

But let's leave the Bum Boat for a minute and see what's going down over at La Rosa.

I loved this strip because clearly Adrian mistook Scott taking care of the bill with Scott taking care of her. Plus, her booster seat nearly ejected her from the table when Scott made his move.

As Jeff and Mary discuss Free Will vs. Predetermination...

... Adrian and Scott enjoy two soft serves. Sadly, Adrian is once again stuck with vanilla frozen yogurt while Scott gets to enjoy strawberry ice cream. Adrian longs for strawberry, or even a chocolate twist, but fate has another plan for her. Vanilla. Vanilla. Vanilla.


  1. That final panel in the Sunday strip ... oh my, they'll have ugly kids.

  2. How you can tell the Bum Boat is not as fancy as La Rosa is that the Bum Boat gives people tweezers to eat their mush with.

  3. So Mary and Jeff get a case of jaundice from their meal at the Bum boat and decide to take a long walk off a short pier.

  4. Honest-to-God, never before have I wanted to reach into a comic panel and brush someone's hair.

    Adrian's limp hairdo is like an itch I can't scratch. It taunts me with its wishy-washyness.

  5. In today's panel three, Jeff seems to have gained several inches in height and lost a few in his waistline. I noticed the same thing when he and Mary were spotted outside of the Bum Boat last July (Mary Worth 263). Finally, I understand what it is that he and Mary see in the place!

    It's been bugging me for days, but I figured out who I see grabbing for the La Rosa check! Scott was channeling William H. Macy.

    In the meantime, Scott notices for the first time that Adrian HAS NO EARS. She thinks he's looking into her eyes because he can't stop staring.

  6. That 'no ear' comment was in reference to today's last panel, not back at La Rosa. sorry

  7. Chester needs to eat grass, cause, Chester is about to barf!!

  8. One day Adrian and Officer Redford will have their own staircase, to Loserville, Meanwhile at Mountview, swine flu goes unattended...

  9. Judging by the daylight vs. darkness down at the docks, Adrian and Scott must have jetted to another time zone to buy their cones!
    And Mary and Jeff have apparently eaten some radioactive material with their scampi. Mercy, I hope they don't end up in the Mountview Hospital ER!!!

  10. I LOVED Scott's powerplay on reaching for the check the other day. The velocity, the agility, the power! WHOOSH! See ya later, Adrian's half-hearted attempt to help pay the tab! In your FACE!

    Of course, Adrian should be pinching her pennies. She's down 50 grand. That's FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Not really a big deal to anyone? Mary goes on and on about how this must be fate, but does fate really require a $50,000 down payment?

  11. What can you order at La Rosa that will transform you from Howdy Doody to Andy Garcia? Just ask the guy who sat behind Adrian and What's-his-face.

  12. June 1st -
    Wanders, is Delilah from an old story or is this YOUR Deliliah? Either way, it's a new month and Mary - is - back!

  13. June 1st: Wow, the meddling forces of radio love-doctor Delilah and Mary Worth are colliding! The force of such an impact could cause untold consequences!

  14. whoa...the shape of their ice cream scoops as they gaze into each others eyes...


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