Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mary Worth 504

It's been a very important week and we've learned a lot about Lawrence and Delilah Jonis, even though they weren't even around. Here's what we know about Lawrence and Delilah so far:
  • Delilah is Toby's and Mary Worth's old neighbor.
  • She was a teen prodigy.
  • She grew up at Charterstone.
  • Toby loved how Delilah and her husband got together.
  • Delilah and Lawrence became fast friends from the day they met.
  • She and Lawrence were such good friends before they were married.
  • Lawrence was a brilliant young philosophy professor.
  • Lawrence has become a world famous lecturer like, um ... no, I can't think of any.
  • She and Lawrence are the perfect couple.
  • They were one of those perfect couples that give you hope in ideal love whenever you think about them.
  • She and Lawrence are having problems.
  • They were so happy together and their separation is a surprise.
  • They have too much going for them to give it all up now.
  • It is hard to believe that she and Lawrence are separating.
  • Mary plans for her to stay for the next few months, but really has no idea how long she'll stay.
  • We can only hope her story will have a happy ending.
What we now know about Toby:
  • She and Ian are going to Scotland in a last ditch attempt to save their marriage.
  • For her, marriage has been series of compromises.
  • She tries to ride the waves.
  • Toby has never known ideal love. She thinks marriage is hard.
  • She likes salmon squares.

Today's Full Strip


  1. I see Mary is still contemplating what is the appropriate height at which to hoist her plate.

    Is Toby surprised that there can be happiness in a marriage?

    Is that a cameo appearance by Ted - slightly disguised - in the last panel?

  2. I thought Charterstone was an enclave of the wealthy "active senior". Were kids even allowed there? I assumed the fully-clad kids at the "pool" party were barely-tolerated grandchildren.

  3. It's going to be a long, dry summer. Santa Royale must have been hit hard by the California drought, limiting landscape watering. Otherwise, grass would have remained green during the course of this pool party.

    And Mary's made enough salmon squares to keep Delilah until Toby returns! She doesn't appear to be encouraging of a quick reconciliation.

    I wish Toby would stay in town. Toby's a Ridethewavian, the only practical theory left for Delilah now that she and Lawrence have fallen from Mary's ... Seaofcalmian state of grace.

  4. Vicki (hating salmon squares)June 14, 2009 at 3:20 PM

    Also for your "what we know" list, Wanders: Lawrence and Delilah have a lovely, almost windowless, half- cinderblock home down in the valley.

    Mary, look around, NO ONE is eating your salmon squares! They are NOT delicious. Is anyone asking for your recipe? Are those gay guys laughing at you? Toby was only being polite.
    Oh, sure, the guy in the Carhartt jacket and hat may grab one, but he just delivered the faux "cabin-look" Port-O-Potty up there, so I'd not take it as too much of a compliment. IOW, lose the recipe!

  5. Pandagrandma gagging at the thought of Salmon SquaresJune 14, 2009 at 6:01 PM

    Talk about things making people gag! That look on poor Toby's face tells it all!!

  6. Dear lord! How many Salmon Squares does Mary's recipe yield, 3000?? They're everywhere!

  7. Chester(gagging on SS's)June 14, 2009 at 9:41 PM

    This was all I could find about salmon squares. Guess Mary forgot the macaroni.

    I just hope you don't need a key to use the restroom by the Charterstone pool.

    How did Mary get this cursed recipe? Did she sneak into the Golden Corridor kitchen? Maybe that's the real reason she left the table a few months ago, NOT to overhear Ted Confey, but to start her own home cooking business.

    I am sure, smothered in ketchup, they ARE delicious. They also make great kitchen tile.

    Don't you just love a pool party?

  8. Chester:
    Or a beautiful tile bird bath!

  9. "Lawrence has become a world famous lecturer like, um ... no, I can't think of any."

    How 'bout Tony Robbins? Oh, no, I'm sorry, this is Mary Worth. How 'bout Bony Bobbins?


  11. Maybe "Peanut butter squares". Maybe Chocolate-Caramel Squares... and even maybe (a longshot) "Chicken Quesadilla Squares". But NOT SALMON SQUARES!!!

    How awful.

    And I was happy to see that the spirit of diplomacy was extended at the Pool Party - I wonder who exactly invited Fidel Castro?

  12. Ah, salmon squares...yet more proof ( if such was still needed) that Mary Worth is the funniest strip on the comic page, bar none.

    I mean, "Salmon squares"! Let's see Beetle Bailey try and top that...

  13. Oh, silly Nathan! Everyone knows Beetle's a bottom!


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