Friday, June 26, 2009

Mary Worth 510

I mean, we literally rejoiced! We were so glad to see you go. But now you are back. And I will do everything in my power to return you to the valley.

Today's Full Strip


  1. This Delilah story is so lame,I can't believe it. She is even more pathetic than Andrian! I think she came to see Mary just for the attention she isn't getting from Lawrence. OH,that's it! When she was a child prodigy she got all kinds of attention. NOW she is just a housewife. wah,wah, wah...

  2. Mary needs to rethink that hand position. That's got to hurt.

  3. Amber, yes, that is quite a freakish angle to the elbow. (shudder)

    I hope something exciting (or even different!) happens soon, this storyline is quite the yawn-fest.

  4. yes, what is the matter with these idiot women???? First we had Toby and the ludicrous agonizing over credit card fraud. Then Adrian, who apparently needs the protection of Daddy even though she's probably about 35 and in charge (supposedly) of other peoples' very lives. Now this so-called "prodigy" who apparently is too dumb to realize that her husband isn't a mind reader. I can only conclude that these dopes are continuously thrust into the mix to make Mary look smart.

  5. Mary just wants to touch the pretty velvet!

    Seriously, Mary needs to stop holding people to impossible standards! There is no such thing as "perfect love" in human beings, Mary!

    Lame, lame, lame

  6. Vicki: That sure is pretty velvet. It looks like D ripped down the curtain from some grand old theater and whipped herself up a pretty sweater. I bet it smells pretty bad though. Velvet does not do to well in the washng machine.

    You all are right, this ia s lame story, at least in the last story, we got to see all the restaurants in Santa Royale.

  7. Mary isn't the idiot spouting fantasies about "perfect love." It's Karen Moy!!!!!, the comic page's equivalent of Carrot Top, Robert Hung and "My Mother the Car."

  8. Mary's clothes pawing reminds me of a gag my dad always like to pull. He'll reach out and rub the fabric of a shirt someone's wearing and ask "Is this felt?" They'll say no and then he'll reply, "it is now."

  9. Velvet-mauling has replaced face-touching, apparently.

    "Perfect Love"--why do I feel a song coming on? Get the Charterstone jukebox ready!

    The word verification I have to type says "boress". Coincidence? I think not!

    --Beagle Vet

  10. Chester the Dog (moonwalking)June 26, 2009 at 10:29 PM

    Fact: Mary's Charterstone friends, all losers

    Fact: The baking pans are still sitting in/sliding off Marys sink.

    Fact: Old salmon squares smell pretty bad

    If only Mary had meddled into Michael Jacksons life. RIP MJ, you deserve the rest.


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