Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mary Worth 516

Oh, no, Delilah. I doubt Mary Worth will let you leave that easily.

Today's Full Strip


  1. It's gonna be a looooong summer....

  2. ...(big sigh)...

  3. Mary Worth - Master of IllusionJuly 2, 2009 at 8:18 AM

    "Delilah, watch me balance my coffee cup on my knuckles!"

  4. D talks funny. Good thing she isn't the famous lecturer.

  5. Mary Worth without Mary Worth Day 2: The Further Ramblings of Delilah

    The sooner I get clear with my own life, the sooner I can be fully present with him.


  6. That pink eyeball centerpiece thing continues to bother me. Mary's shrinking plate bothers me. (No wonder she is somewhat anorexic!)
    Delilah bothers me.

    I'm getting grumpy, so please excuse me while I go clear things in my life.

  7. Still not a useful utensil in sight beyond the one spoon. How did that egg disappear, did Mary advise it away?

  8. When attendance was taken in first grade, Delilah was the only child to respond "Fully Present'.

  9. Delilah wants to "get clear"? So she's staying with Mary while she's auditing, isn't she? This might turn interesting after all.

  10. Still, though, I find Delilah far easier to look at than Adrian.

  11. At least the boring plot line is forcing Joe Giella to compensate. If this goes on Joe might have to resort to surrealism. Melting pink curtains.

  12. "The sooner I get clear with my own life, the sooner I can be fully present with him."

    I really think MOY writes in another language, then uses an interweb translator to convert it to English.

  13. What's with all the bedroom furniture surrounding them? Are they going to be air-lifted out? And, by the way, I am shocked that Mary doesn't have a breakfast nook.

  14. This storyline reminds me of how I felt trying to learn trigonometry, in the 8th grade. I'm completely mystified, and pretty sure that I'll have no use for this, in the future.

  15. What Moy actually wrote before it was run through the Chinese to English translator: "The sooner I deal with my emotional problems, the sooner I can work things out with Lawrence."

  16. Even Mary's getting fed up with Delilah's non-problem. She's barely able to hide the smirk as she says, "We'll see." She's just keeping herself from adding, "You want to know problems? A problem is having a guest break your beloved crystal figurine! A problem is having a neighbor who resists an intervention and then runs his car off the road!"

  17. the fly seems to have escaped the light socket and now Joe is giving us the perspective of the fly heading for the scrumptious goodies on the table. Good thing President Obama isn't around, otherwise we'd never get to see how this story turns out!

  18. Toonhead: I would love to see a Cubist-style Worth comic strip.

    You know, like Picasso's Mary-Condescending-A-Staircase.

    [[art geek joke]]

  19. Actually, Anon, I think we were given a Mary Condescending a Staircase last May (Wanders #490) minus the cubism. Or maybe it was Adrian simply descending the staircase while Mary condescended to her. Anyway, there was something weird about that staircase...

  20. anon, I like the art geek pun.
    Mary looks like she is thinking "what a load of crap" and "I wonder how long she will be here?"

  21. Toots, can you do your magic and put Mary's head in Delilah's palm?


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