Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mary Worth 526

And what better way to express love than with food? Nothing says "I care" more than eating a big breakfast at seven, followed two hours later by lunch.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Delilah has been spending too much time on the internet reading her AOL News instead of listening to what Mary is trying to tell her...

  2. When has Delilah had any time to think things through? All she has been doing is talking and pigging out with Mary...and flirting with old boyfriends.

    btw, interesting article PG.

  3. "As long as you reach the right conclusion...mine!"


  4. I swear, the plots and dialogue are conceived by aliens from another galaxy who have learned to approximate human interaction but who just - haven't - quite - gotten it right. "How to translate that into practical terms"???? What is she talking about? The issue was supposed to be Lawrence's unavailability for fatherhood.

  5. Good to see both of them have started drinking again. THings are always clearer after a snootfull.

  6. The rhetoric device of the day is "non sequitur". Moy will certainly have to look it up.

  7. I hope Overeaters Anon has a branch in Sanye Royale. Mary and D are going to need to go very soon.

    And, can't they talk about something else for a change? Sports, weather, restaurants...

  8. So either they're eating lunch at 9 a.m., or they've been babbling about Lawrence for three hours or so. I'd bet on the latter except that in Worthiverse time those three hours should last us until December...2010.

    Gee, how to express love for one's spouse? How about by telling him you love him, or showing affection, or doing nice things for him? Wonder if Delilah's ever worn that little outfit for Lawrence? Or does she just save it for lechers like Charley? Or is she wearing it for (gasp!) MARY?

    Where's Drew, anyway? He's been in 'Nam for over a year. Surely he is out of hair gel by now.

    --Beagle Vet

  9. But Wanders, you must admit that the inspired green of the counter top goes well with the unnatural red of the apples. ;)

  10. Diving Off A Cliff, I think the plots and dialogue are composed first in a foreign language, and then they're run through one of those programs that supposedly translates everything correctly into English.

    And that "As long as you reach the right conclusion...mine!" is spot on! This is the best story in ages.

  11. Dear Delilah, love can be expressed in many ways. Have you ever made Lawrence a tuna sandwich and poured him some Tang, then put on a Rodgers and Hammerstein CD? Nothing says love like that, dear.

  12. Yep, what Robert said! Moy must rely on "Babelfish" or some similar translation site.

    Reminds me of the time I bought a tire pressure gauge made in China. The directions showed a circled wringer washer with a line through it. It sternly warned: "Do not drop in the water bucket!" It was hilarious, and I always caution my husband when he's checking his car's tires.

    I hope those two gals aren't bulemic! They sure are trim and fit for how much they eat!

    And lastly, one must remember: Mary is ALWAYS right!

  13. Eat eat eat!! Can't they go shopping or something? Oh, wait, its not even nine AM, the Santa Royale mall doesn't open for another hour.

    Gee, Mary sure does love seafood! Salmon squares, tuna sandwiches. I hope she whips up some of her famous seafood scampi for dinnner at 2pm.

  14. I have a feeling we will meet Lawrence and find he is a really nice guy.

  15. I'd worry about mercury poisioning if I ate at Marys cpondo.

  16. Oh my God, it's a cornucopia of Joe Giella taking liberties with the space-time continuum! He's been doing so well lately, the ol' coot, drawing rooms with crazy new-fangled ideas like "perspective".

    But today, joyously, that all blew up. That canister set on the counter is flat as oak tag, that bowl of ... red spheres extends impossibly into the black-painted wall, and in the second panel the "table" looks like a cement egg the size of a Civic.

    Run, laws of physics! Flee his mighty reality-bending pen! Giella's back, baby!

    Tomorrow: We learn Santa Royale is built entirely on the surface of a Mobius strip!

  17. "Translating that into practical terms", suggests that Moy is an IDIOT!

  18. I wanna know how Mary is going to climb up into that giant chair to eat at that giant table that is halfway up to the ceiling!

  19. I have a feeling this storyline was originally written for Toby and Ian, but Toby had previous plans to travel to Scotland, so they had to cast D instead.

  20. Toots McGee: Delilah could even go one extra step and allow Lawrence to eat said sandwich and Tang while sitting on her prized patio furniture! He could prop his DVD player up on the table and listen to the R&H DVDs to his hearts content. Oh, that would be SUCH a practical and special translation of love!

  21. I meant CD's, not DVD's. (Long day!) D'oh!

  22. Silly Wanders, everyone knows Mary and her guests get up at the crap of dawn. She and Delilah have already done military-style calisthenics and eaten a completely nutritionally balanced breakfast long before the rest of us have stopped drooling on our pillows.

  23. I found this link if anyone would like to have a burro magnet for themselves. It has 'stunning photo quality' Why should Mary have all the good stuff? lol,


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