Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mary Worth 543

For those of us who thought this story was coming to a quick conclusion, it actually looks like it is just getting interesting. "What prompted me? Oh, it's nothing really. I was just spending a quiet evening watching Rodgers and Hammerstein with Charley Smith at his place. You remember Charley. The guy who enjoys breaking apart marriages at Charterstone and drinking alcohol. The guy I was dating for three years before we met. Really, it's nothing to worry about."

Now, if you think Rodgers and Hammerstein are great, you should try William S. Gilbert. Here's a little poetry that I think you'll find enjoyable.

Today's Full Strip


  1. "What prompted you to come here tonight ... and do I have time to get my room key back from the blonde chick in yesterday's strip before you find out?"

  2. I believe that Del is bipolar and in serious need of treatment.

  3. Del can't be bipolar - she hasn't painted anything red yet.

  4. "what prompted you to come here TONIGHT?"... Lawrence still looks a bit shell-shocked in panel two! You just know he had plans that didn't include HER.

    And Del looks like she's GLUED herself to Lawrence. Goodness, she's not even letting the poor man breathe!

    *sigh* I wonder how Lynn and choreographer/coach Vicki are coming along with the ice skating competitions.

  5. Oh, for crying out loud, Moy. The story's over. I'm ready for Mary's next meddle.

  6. If Lawrence IS fooling around with that blonde, Del needs to wash that man right out of her hair, and send him on his way!

  7. Amber, you are right...lets get this over forward to the next Charterstone pool party, and Mary showing the Jonis' baby pictures (poorly drawn, of course) to Toby, while some bratty kids runs around, working off his sugar high.

  8. Amber, I hope Mary actually does get to meddle. The last two stories have seriously reduced Mary's input.

  9. Where's that eavesdropper woman from that seminar? I was bonding with her character!

    What happened to Relationship Stalker? I demand Relationship Stalker!

    Maybe we'll see her listening in on their conversation later, through their hotel room door...

  10. I think that Moy is dragging the story out because she either doesn't have another one ready yet. or this one didn't last as long as it should have so now she is padding.

    I also think the blond woman was watching the blond t-shirt guy and L flirting one minute and then Delilah is all over Lawrence the next minute. All she could do is just stand there staring.

  11. This story line is not over. It hasn't lasted the requisite six months.


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