Friday, August 14, 2009

Mary Worth 545

I could comment on how Lawrence is singing one of the most heart-wrenching, love-sick songs from South Pacific, and how "Nothing Like a Dame," might be more appropriate. Or I could comment on how this is the absolute most awkward passage through a doorway I have ever seen, and I can't imagine how Delilah managed it. But I can't make those comments because these Mary Worth make-up scenes make me think of only one thing: Seafood Scampi.


  1. An haiku. Ahem and such:

    oh, dapper wanders
    contemplating suicide
    by preservative

    eat fresh

  2. Chester (hiding his eyes)August 14, 2009 at 10:08 AM

    Fade to D and L in bed, smoking...

  3. "This promise of paradise IS yours, because you have me! Me me me! Delilah! I'm awesome! And you have me back forever! I'm sure I never made any promises like this before when I came back to you after flipping out about something I wouldn't tell you about and the literally running away from you!"

  4. It makes me think of Allen Saunders, John Saunders, Ken Ernst and Bill Ziegler.

  5. Wow! That Starship Voyager from yesterday must have gone through a time warp. Lawrence looks about twenty years younger as Del yanks him through the door! (However, judging by the look on his face, L. clearly FEARS this psycho woman!) He only sings R & H to calm his jangling nerves. I think he's quite afraid of what might be in her carryon case!

    BTW--where are their wedding rings?

  6. I think Lawrence is singing to himself about his missed opportunity with the blond Glasses Girl...

    "What prompted you to come here TONIGHT of all nights?

    One dream in my heart,
    One love to be livin' for,
    One love to be livin' for
    This nearly was mine...

  7. Is it me, or does Del look suspiciously like Yoko Ono, in the last panel? Is this some subliminal advertisement for ''Yoko Sings Rogers & Hammerstein!''?

  8. Okay Delilah, we know your Honey Bun is a Wonderful Guy, but haven't we had enough Happy Talk, or is there something else that we've Got to be Taught by this reconciliation? I think it's Bali Ha'i time we moved on to a different story...or at least moved away from this hotel room.

  9. I all the previous times that D has left L, has she come running back to him just like this? Crashing his speaking engagements, knocking over his display of pink books, dragging him to the nearest hotel room?

    And does Lawrence react in the same lovestruck way each time. You'd think by now, he'd catch on, being the great public speaker he is.

    Which leads to my conclusion. Blondie in the cheap eyeglass frames is a Lawrence groupie, following him from Knights Inns to Ramadas. She has seen Del crash the party before and is getting a little disgusted. One more time like this and she may ask for a refund on her registration fee!

  10. Amber: You've just given me a great idea for this year's Christmas card. Very funny.

  11. karen moy i hope you made enough money to buy a nail salon . because old joe is due for a retirement party or a dirt nap with all the mistakes he makes !!!!!!!!!

  12. pandagrandma & Chester--yep, I think you've nailed it about who the song was REALLY for. Otherwise that line, "this nearly was mine" is quite odd for the situation.

  13. wanders--

    I was at the shopping plaza where the shop with the placenta-based baldness cure was being sold several months ago. Alas, the shop is out of business now. Mother will be so sad...

    I'm not sure why I thought of that today...


  14. This is what I was talking about:



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