Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mary Worth 547

If you really want to deal with your personality disorder, Del, you will need to seek serious counseling, meet regularly with a mental health professional, and take your meds every day. Is that really what you want? Is that WHAT YOU WANT?

Oh, wait, sorry, once again, this is about the man making all the changes.

Today's Full Strip


  1. "It doesn't have to", he said, suggesting of course, a move to Las Vegas, where he'll appear in two shows nightly.

  2. I heard somewhere that touching ones face, especially around the mouth, is a non-verbal cue that the speaker may not be speaking honestly. Del is probably not being purposefully deceptive, but I suspect that she truly doesn't know what she wants. This reconciliation is no more heartfelt than her rash visit to Charlie's. Del is like a feather floating on air currents.

    Is Delilah confused by Lawrence's proposal to cut back on the travel or disappointed? Maybe she realized that she can only take Lawrence for short periods of time and if he stays home full time, she'd probably be itching to take off again in another 2 or 3 months.

    That hotel room is making me ill.

  3. Lawrence has probably heard about this thing called "the internet" and read somewhere about this guy who became very famous by giving "the last lecture," and thinks he can do all his lecturing over the internets now.

  4. it seems like the furniture moves in every panal . plus what happen to the green chair and the window?

  5. That's funny, because when I saw today's comic I immediately thought, "Of course, it's all about him. He's the man. He's special and better than she is because he's the man. She gives up her dreams and aspirations and all he gives up is a few measly speaking engagements, and somehow this will be seen as even because he's giving up money."

  6. Charlene: Except Del hasn't given up anything. She claims she'll give up her psychotic behavior, but my experience has been that that's trickier than she thinks. All she wants are babies and patio furniture.

  7. Yeah, I agree with Wanders. Del knew Lawrence's job required travel from the moment they became friends. By marrying him she agreed to join her life to his, and his life includes traveling for work! It's not like he was deceptive about it and he did not promise to cut back once they were married.

  8. Didn't that last lecture guy die?
    That was the point of it being the last lecture.
    I don't think Lawrence will go to those please Delilah.

  9. XXX...I was nervous about looking at today's comic for fear their clothes would be off and I would be "scarred for life"!
    I think part of Del's psychosis is caused by Lawrence's ever-changing appearance. Imagine being married to someone whose looks change every single day! I do hope this affliction isn't hereditary, as it would be quite confusing for a frazzled mother such as our Del. I mean, try finding your child on a busy playground! "Is that one mine? Or is THAT one mine? Oh dear, If I take the wrong child home I could be charged with kidnapping!"

    And by Del's saying, "try for a family", I certainly hope she means one child at a time; not go the octo-mom route.

  10. that's right Vicki, I always do think that Lawrence looks different every time I see him. It reminds of that Woody Allen movie "Zelig" about a chameleon man. It's no wonder D has issues.

  11. Toots, you're spot on in your assessment - indeed, Del is a feather floating on air currents...currents emanating from the fetid breath of any man she's in the immediate presence of.

  12. By the way L shows off his hands, he is going to become a home typist. He will be home 24-7, typing away.

  13. Vicki, you may be right. Octo-Del may be selling Pampers in Santa Royale.


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