Friday, August 21, 2009

Mary Worth 551

Oh, that's so rich and ironic. They have both wanted kids for years! Oh, if only married couples could speak more comfortably with each other about whether or not to have kids, think of the marriages that would be saved. But when can they ever have such conversations? I, for one, certainly can't think of any logical time. Now why don't you two climb into that bed and get some sleep?

Today's Full Strip


  1. this never came up when they were dating? Thinking about marriage? Engaged? Watching The Sound of Music?

    "Speaking of seven children..."

  2. Golly, you two.You are in a hotel room! There is a BED in there! USE it! Let's see some real love. Cut the chatter and get naked! Make babies already!

    "I could only dare to hope." What does that mean?

  3. Lawrence's "I just wasn't sure about you" is code for "I wasn't sure about your mental state, cuz you act like a NUT most of the time!"

  4. Why are all of Kareny Moy's characters half a bubble off?

  5. hey wanders the band kiss has a new song on youtube called modern day delilah . we are living in modern times right

  6. I agree with Chester. We want to see that headband hanging insouciantly off the lampshade.

    Less is more.

  7. djangosmom: PERFECT, LoL!

  8. The end of this story is taking forever. What happened to the days when Mary was clutching Delilah and rushing her on the condo complex grounds? The days when Delilah was shocked by pinups of babes in modest one-piece bathing suits? I'm missing that insanity!

  9. Anonymous, Van Stephenson also had an '80s Top 40 hit called "Modern Day Delilah."


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