Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mary Worth 581

These are the moments that mean the most. Nothing quite like a drug raid as it winds down. Hanging out with the boys. The casual conversation as you slap the cuffs on the drug lords. Makes it all worth while. Too bad about the Mets, though.

I bet you're wondering how they did it, how the cops won despite being out numbered and out gunned. Remember when the drug cartel was running out that open warehouse door to freedom? Turns out, that was all part of the plan. The giant door was a cleverly executed fake door painted onto the back wall of the warehouse. The drug cartel hit solid cinder block at full speed and knocked themselves out cold.

Today's Full Strip


  1. so Miller and Hewlett are goners?
    Is that it? just like that? no hospital death scene? Unbelievable! Poor Adrian!

  2. Hey, where did that policeman with black (and blue) hair come from? Everyone earlier was blond! Where is the consistency? And how nice that Scott's colleague gets a name now that he's a goner.

    Wanders, your explanation for how the cops outfoxed the drug lords makes perfect sense (and cracked me up)!

  3. "Nothing quite like a drug raid as it winds down." Wanders, thanks again for the laugh; that first panel had me looking around for the coffee cups too.

    I believe that bright burnt-orange is a new color for hair. I don't recall seeing it on anyone before...

  4. The dark haired drug lord on the floor has one of those faces that looks like the mask the villains on ''Scooby Doo'' used to wear. Like any minute now, Shaggy will show up, yank off the mask, and everyone will gasp- ''Why, it's Mr. Miller, from the general store!'' and the drug lord guy will sneer- ''Yes, it's me... and I would have gotten away with it, too... if it wasn't for you darn kids!''

  5. Maude: It looks like you've forgotten to read your secret messages. Once you do, you'll see that I agree with your assessment 100 percent.

  6. Not only are the cops all white Ken-dolls, so are the crims! And since it's Santa Royale we're talking about, so are all the junkies!

  7. Could it possibly BE??? Is the cop on the left a BLACK man? That would be a first for Santa Royale!

    Also, we didn't see any of the police wearing ball caps before, but now in the background it looks like several cap-wearing dudes. Perhaps they found them in the bad guys' briefcases, mixed in with the cash and heroin. What wonderful souvenirs from the winding-down drug raid! Too bad about Miller and Hewlett, though.

  8. Vicki, I first thought that particular cop was being portrayed by '40s/'50s actor Victor Mature!

  9. Do you think Moy will release the killed-in-action list in tomorrow's Sunday comics? Or will we have to wait?

  10. Victor Mature... didn't know who he was until today, but I agree.

  11. "Nothing quite like a drug raid as it winds down.", "but let's hit the Bum Boat for drinks. I have a coupon,"

  12. Re: Sunday's strip. Did they throw Scott in the back of the van, rather than wait for an ambulance? Geez, cutbacks affect everyone, even SWAT team members!

  13. Scott and the guy who didn't make it are rolling around the back of the van as it speeds through Santa Royale without so much as a siren. I appreciate that we aren't asked to look back there.

    And who's decision was it to call for backup AFTER the raid?

  14. As the twins (Sept. 27) drive the twins (see Sept. 23) to the hospital, I believe it will clearly be a case of mistaken identity once they reach the emergency room. Mass confusion will ensue as Adrian sheds tears over the dead body of Colleague Miller.

  15. I don't think Moy has the nerve to finish off Scott. She's not Tom Batiuk. I'm going to vote for "coma" in the time honored soap tradition.


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