Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mary Worth 586

Since no one can come up with a diagnosis, I wouldn't hold out for a prognosis. I mean, really, what diagnosis have we heard? He was in a shoot out. He lost a lot of blood. "Vital areas" were spared. "It could have been worse," which translates roughly into, "He isn't dead yet." But perhaps Dr. Good and the nurse are simply using language they know Dr. Corey can understand.

It also appears that someone may have surgically stitched a hand to Scott's right hip. But it isn't likely, since I doubt Dr. Good has that much skill as a surgeon. The best he's been able to do is put a Band-Aid on Scott's neck, hook his brain up to a bottle, and wrap something around his head that looks like he was tended to at the Battle of Gettysburg. Fortunately, Dr. Corey will be monitoring Scott's condition. We can all rest easy now.

Of course, Eva, who decided to completely neglect her patients, may have some concerns that her patients are now being completely neglected by Adrian.

Today's Full Post


  1. i agree with you totally Wanders. They haven't even said anything about the locations of the bullet wounds, extent of his injuries or what kind of condition he is really in. Just that "vital areas were spared" I wonder if that brain drip I.V. is supposed to be his life support system. I think that it is also against some code for a so-called 'professional' to be taking care of their own loved one. OH yeah! this isn't real life. thank God.

  2. Scott's EKG indicates a sharp drop in ... something; Adrian otta jump on monitoring that...

    And isn't Scott lucky to have her? If not for someone offering to monitor Scott, the hospital would have rolled him into the broom closet.

  3. My diagnosis never fails
    I know just what to do
    Whenever anybody ails
    I'm sympathetic too
    My heart within me melts
    No matter what I treat them for,
    they die from something else!
    (Dr. Hackenbush)

  4. If Scott's "vital organs were spared" then I would think he will eventually recover. But wait--Adrian is "monitoring" him now. Never mind!
    Oh, and Dr. Good is just flattering A. so he can make haste to the doctors lounge for a bit of Scotch to calm his shaky nerves. It's been quite an exciting night at Mountview Hospital!

  5. So why is Adrian smiling in panel 1?

  6. Dr. Feelgood's look in panel 2 doesn't seema as if he believes that Scott is lucky to have Adrian.

  7. @ djangosmom I think he was preparing to ready the room for another patient and is wondering how Adrian would feel about monitoring Scott out in the hallway.

  8. How long before Jeff converges on the hospital to offer his medical expertise, and Mary to tut-tut how she knew something like this would happen?

  9. I am trying to figure out why Dr. Good has a pair of ice tongs around his neck...

  10. Sunday's strip is full of oddities. Joe Giella has never entered a hospital or seen "ER" or "Grey's Anatomy," which accounts for the strange tubes and head bandages abundant in these recent strips. And Adrian has advanced from merely touching her face to shoving her knuckles under her chin to convey despair.

  11. I have a feeling that mMry wil be wearing a black dress very soon.


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