Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mary Worth 588

You'll owe another debt of gratitude in about three minutes when you get pulled over for wearing your seat belt around your throat.

Today's Full Strip


  1. The first panel of today's strip is full of pathos. Scott grimly makes a stand against heroin, which is the real culprit in Scott's upcoming passing. Mary, with an alarmed look at the icky turn in the conversation, pulls away from Jeff in the car's front seat. "Why can't we talk about something more pleasant?" she thinks to herself. "Toby was wearing the most ridiculous outfit the other day; pedal pushers in October! That's a much nicer topic of conversation."

  2. Actually Robert, Mary got her hand caught between the seat belt and her person (panel 1) when she noticed what appears to be a ghost of a Normal Distribution Curve on her passenger window glass (panel 2). It is her continued failure to extract her hand and her rememberance of poor performance in college level statistics courses which are responsible for the pained expression on her face.

    Note how her expression changes when Dr. Jeff Corey lets the bag out of the cat about the herion addiction issue as he downplays the seriousness of it from a "threat" to a "potential threat."

  3. In "neighboring towns"? So there is no serious heroin problem in Santa Royal (with the exception of the massive cartel operating down in the warehouse district.)

    If only Santa Royale could spread their heroin free way of life to all the neighboring towns and totally eliminate the demand for the stuff, these dreaded cartels wouldn't even have a basis for existence and Operation H-towns need never happen. Heck, if Santa Royale could globally promote the heroin free lifestyle, they might even cut the Taliban off at their knees by halting poppy production in Afghanistan. (Those farmers can switch to the cultivation of antibiotics or scampi or something.)

    Say no to heroin kids. Say yes to pool parties and salmon sqaures.

  4. Yeah, Toots, I noticed - and thought - the same thing about SR's center of heroin distribution to the surrounding area. Those two in the car are a little smug about the real drug problem.

    I wonder if Dr Jeff ever looks at Mary and worries that people think he's dating his mother?

  5. Shoulder belts rub my neck exactly as drawn. Then again, I stand only 5'5" tall. How tall are Mary and Jeff, 6 foot, 6 foot 5?

    Minus the snowy-white hair, Mary could pass for a twenty-year-old these days. She should borrow Jeff's Titian Formula.

  6. Dialing my indignation back a notch or two, how does Jeff even know that this involves heroin? During the phone conversation, he got sketchy details about Scott's condition from Adrian, but managed to get a complete rundown on the details of Operation H-town?

    Perhaps Jeff has a police scanner.

    "Jeff dear, you haven't touched your scrod suprise."
    "Silence woman! There's a 211 in progress and several units are responding!"

  7. If I had to live near Santa Royale, I would consider using heroin.

  8. How does Jeff know what the SHAKEDOWN involved? Adrian doesn't, Eva doesn't, Mary doesn't. Perhaps he got one of the drug cartel's BROCHURES in the mail, or saw an announcement on the community bulletin board.

  9. Doc Jeff knows about the shakedown/heroin thugs the same way we do. He reads the Mary Worth comic strip every day.

  10. "Potential" threat? Being shot seven times by some smacked-out crack fiend, that's a "potential" threat?

    Moy's playing fast and loose with Ye Olde Dictionarie again.

  11. Chester (over this story)October 7, 2009 at 10:19 PM

    Chester is having a dog shirt made that says...Say no to heroin kids. Say yes to pool parties and salmon sqaures. Thanks Toots!!!

  12. Really! A perfect picture of road rage! I hope someone cuts him off in traffic and gives him the finger; Jeff will speed up and hunt them down. Mary will at first be appalled, then excited, and will urge him on. It'll lead them to a crime spree, and they'll be dubbed "The Geriatric Bonnie & Clyde" ....

    Oh wait, that's too exciting for this strip.

  13. What finally slapped Dr. Cory into this oh-so very visible rage this morning (10/8)? He was was moseying along for days, taking time to carefully (and slowly) lock the door to the house... Drive and calmly discuss the Heroin problem that "potentially" is a threat in Santa Royale... and today?... He's like a freaking maniac!

    Mary may have to take the wheel if he gets too out of control...

  14. And here we were feeling sorry for Joe Giella who, it seemed, had used up all of his action shots for the remainder of the year at least. And then came today! The face, the puffy clouds of burning rubber, the DANGER!

    I never imagined that anyone would ever have to tell Jeff to slow down in anything. I'm sure he'll be calmed by Mary's platitude and back to normal by tomorrow.


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