Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mary Worth 641

Another groundbreaking story is being developed in Mary Worth. For the next five weeks, we can expect to watch Wilbur type at his computer in a too-small sans serif font as he seethes in resentment over Abby, the girl who dumped him never revealing she was pregnant with his child, and who had the audacity to die just before he could reconnect with her on Facebook. The excitement never ends.

Today's Full Strip


  1. A "local girl" eh? I think we all know what THAT means.

  2. Do Moy and Giella expect their target audience, the over-68 demographic, to pore over this story, printed in b&w in the newspaper, with magnifying glasses? Or maybe enough of that group also has "a past" and are riveted by the action?

    Oh, yes...Abby the tramp! I knew it as soon as I saw Wilbur's memory bubble. There was visible cleavage under those love, pearls!

  3. So Wilbur knocked up a townie. HA! And we thought we knew him. That Moy, just full of surprises. I would say his will be a lesson in the perils of unprotected sex.

  4. Wilbur still seems perturbed over communicating with Kurt over Abby. Why bother writing the kid back if you're going to be so annoyed about it? Oh wait, maybe it's just indigestion from inhaling those sandwiches so fast.

  5. The expression on Wilbur's face says it all.

    Either that or he's starting to get a headache from trying to read the teeny font.

  6. *sigh* Wilbur was so innocent back then, just a lad off the farm most likely. Away from home for the very first time, well unless you count the week at summer camp at age ll.

    This Abby, such a trollop--a "LOCAL" girl...*shaking my head*

  7. Heavy computer use has clearly led to weight gain for poor Wilbur. If he's gained 50 pounds since the start of this story-line, he's gained 100 pounds since late 2007.

  8. Poor Wilbur must be stress-eating. His weight seems to have ballooned overnight. Too many ham sandwiches.

  9. Hey, Imogene, I'm not over 68! And neither is our fearless leader Wanders, judging from his photo. I wonder what the median age of MW readers is. Even in my fair 40's, I can barely read the little tiny font, though. Please, Moy and Giella, go up to 10 pt.! We don't want to miss a word of Wilbur's woes!

  10. A svelte Wilbur read the daily newspaper in 2007 (MW 26). Now he's touching base with the outside world through a computer screen where he can zoom into small font instead of switching to bifocals. As a result, Wilbur is gaining copious amounts of weight.

    We should all take warning. People with the highest levels of computer use are 1.5 times more likely to be overweight and 2.5 times more likely to be obese than people who don't use a computer at all.

    I'm going to get up and make myself a sandwich.

  11. I think Wilbur's non-stop eating and weight gain are signs of a coming health crisis wherein he will need an organ transplant from a living donor -- liver? kidneys? Neither Dawn nor Iris will be a match. Kurt will step up to the plate. Voila -- this is how facebook benefits society and this is why having a love child waiting in the wings is always a good thing. Happy ending all around.

  12. Wilbur looks like he's just discovered that whatever he ate has turned into cement in his colon and he's in bad need of an enema.

  13. I am loving MW today 12/22. Could those be Scott's grateful hands on Jeff's chest? They sure aren't Adrian's.

  14. er, that would be "tuffenuf"

  15. I didn't notice the weird placement of what are supposedly Adrian's hands until I saw it featured at the Comics Curmudgeon. It looks REALLY odd and implies strange things are going on at Casa Cory.

    The huge smile on Jeff's face makes me a bit scared to wonder how exactly far he'd go for family (i.e., Scott).


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