Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mary Worth 675

"I couldn't stand him then, but I'm standing NOW. Look at me stand! I stand so tall, I can almost touch the SKY!"

Today's Full Strip


  1. Just noticed that the Mary Worth Merchandise store has Valentines. You might want to check them out and order soon. The link is on the main page of the blog (I receive no compensation for your order).

  2. Uh-oh, here comes Martin Clark into the cast... (formerly known as "nasty rich kid" )

    Martin Clark: "KURT, ...I am your FAH-THAH!"

  3. Nah, I don't think Martin Clark - as rich as he may be - would ever claim a nebbish like Kurt.

  4. "I remember that guy that used to flirt with Abby, Martin Clark...he was a blond guy that mistrusted genetic testing and liked to go fishing. Oh well, back to brooding about my long lost son Kurt..."

  5. Thank goodness Wilbur got up from the computer to do some stretches. These are the scintillating images readers of this strip want.

  6. It's very unusual to have a character stretch in a comic strip, but, given that Wanders has already detailed Wilbur's very poor ergonomics, maybe this is a sort of PSA from Mary Worth.

    Remember to stretch after every couple hours hunched over the keyboard exploring new worlds of online social networking and inhaling tuna on Wonder Bread.
    Mary Worth...the More You Know.

  7. The look on Dawn's face tells me she isn't exactly enjoying the view right now! (Perhaps Wilbur has broken wind?)

    Oh yeah... " there was that awful guy Martin "Farty Marty" Clark who flirted with Abby. I couldn't STAND that guy", Wilbur explains.

  8. You know what, I think all the focus this week on Wilbur's ugly parts is just a set-up to a confrontation with Martin Clark. And we'll find out that that snobby rich kid took it in the shorts with the recession and can now barely move his 500-pound self from his cardboard box to the unemployment line. Kurt will eventually break down and agree to the genetic testing, but he insists that Martin Clark also get tested. Wonder of predictable wonders, Wilbur will turn out not to be Kurt's father--Martin is--but his experience bonding with Kurt will help him to realize what blessings he has in his own life in the form of his muddle-minded daughter, Dawn, and (I'm almost sorry I don't know his relationship to her) his devoted wife/daughter/kidnap victim, Iris.

    All's well that ends well. God bless us, every one. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.


  9. Our boy Kurt has already tried to put the bite on the rich Clark Martin but was rejected for refusing a paternity test. So now it's on to the second name on his list of 20. There are free spirts and then there are sluts. But hey, at least Wilber is fondly reliving his youth and bonding with the "son" he wishs Dawn had been.

  10. Chester (grossed out)February 2, 2010 at 7:07 PM

    Poor Wilburs polyester clothes...poor Dawn for having to see her father stretch like an otter in a Channel 13 special...poor us for gaving to watch this all unfold.

    Kurt is right for not wanting the take part in the paterity test..he may end up looking like Wilbur in 30 years.

    Lets just hope Martin Clark is more attractive.

  11. Chester (grossed out)February 2, 2010 at 7:08 PM

    Poor Wilburs polyester clothes...poor Dawn for having to see her father stretch like an otter in a Channel 13 special...poor us for gaving to watch this all unfold.

    Kurt is right for not wanting the take part in the paterity test..he may end up looking like Wilbur in 30 years.

    Lets just hope Martin Clark is more attractive.


  13. Boy, Dawn really knows how to make the wood furniture shine! Perhaps if she oiled Wilbur's computer chair, it wouldn't spring up to its highest adjustment whenever he removes his ample rear end from it.

    And where IS Kurt Evans? Upstairs, removing his fingerprints from everything he's touched?

  14. Considering the frame shown I was very hesitant to click on "Today's Full Strip"!

  15. "Of course, Dawn, you realize that if I had my way, I'd still be with Abby and you wouldn't be around to have this conversation."

  16. Mercy, at first glance I thought the Westin's sofa had split apart! Now I see it was Wilbur's computer chair pushed way back and looking like it's on steroids.

    I, too, wonder why they never seem one bit concerned that Kurt will overhear them gossiping!

    Maybe he's back there in his guest bedroom watching that otter special on Channel 13 with the volume up high? Or he's smoking weed while on his Facebook pages. Maybe both? Who knows.

    At any rate, if Mary isn't going to come up there and knock some heads together, then yeah, Iris needs to come home!!!


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