Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mary Worth 689

Do you know who I pitty? The motherless women. It seems the entire world is full of people who never had parents, spontaneously generating through some sort of spark in the ectoplasm of life. These children must come from the same place where Kurt's suit jacket suddenly materialized.

Look at me. Look how happy I am now. I have Glee written all over my face!

In fact, if you'd like, I'll put my fist against my forehead melodramatically as well. Then you will know for certain my sympathy is true, despite my inability to compare myself to you, despite the week-long comparison I've been making.

Read Today's Full Strip


  1. Considering that he's probably about 40, isn't Kurt a little too old for all this emo angst? And why are all of Dawn's nightgowns so matronly?

  2. Dawn's sympathy can make grown men cry!

    Who could guess that her only romantic relationship was a disaster?

  3. Torch-wielding VillagersFebruary 21, 2010 at 6:30 PM

    Oh my GOD this tedious repetitive story has officially crossed the line into criminal abuse of good taste and must immediately be investigated by the relevant authorities. Torch-wielding villagers demand it!

  4. Actually Dawn's neckline keeps moving up and down like it has a line of its own.

  5. @torch... Really I must disagree... This story is far better than others.

  6. I love how sympathetic Dawn has made herself appear to Kurt, right before she drives the knife in his back by tattling that phone call with Helen to Wilbur. Perhaps Dawn has spent more time with Mary than anyone knew!

  7. Chester (in loungewear)February 21, 2010 at 10:03 PM

    Doesn't the Chartersone board have by laws against Arthur Miller plays being staged in their units?

    Or is this all just an ad for "lougewear from Santa Royalemart" and their array of computers?


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