Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mary Worth 691

Because, you see, there is a blood shortage in Santa Royale, and the Mountview laboratory requires you to give blood before they give you the cheek swab.

Today's Full Strip


  1. I tell you, Kurt has his eyes on Dawn and wants to establish to everyone that she's not his (half)sister.

  2. Could be, Tony. I can't figure out anything else except that the-old-lush-in-Florida got it wrong.

  3. Vicki (keeping my blood)February 23, 2010 at 12:54 PM

    Wilbur's statement is so odd! I mean, if I go to a "medical center" for a blood test, I wouldn't then tell people "I gave blood". Giving blood usually involves Red Cross bloodmobiles and cookies and juice. But of course, this is Mountview and we know they practice medieval medicine. Just think of the possibilities! *shudder*

  4. @Chester: Look! More ceiling tiles today!

  5. Of course, if Wilbur had received cookies and juice this morning, it would explain the silly grin.

  6. @Vicki...ceilng tiles and recessed lighting!

    I would suggest to Wilbur that he not give blood until he stops attacking the home pantry, consuming every starch product in the house.

    I'd avoid Mountview during their blood drive, because, as we know, the front desk is manned by 4th graders.

    I wonder if all Chartersone residents are required to turn cans and bottles around so you cannot see the real brand name.

  7. The most fascinating part of Mary Worth? Not the cement-and-orange decor. Not the lunatic expressions on Dawn's face.

    No. It's the ceiling.

    Somebody take this strip out back while I explain to lil Karen Moy how we sent it away to a farm upstate...

  8. "Yes, I urged him to get it done with me..."

    What strange wording to use... is Wilbur under the impression that such tests can be performed with only one participant? Did he learn about DNA from a Texas public school textbook?

  9. Mary has said all she needs to say here.
    Remember that while blood may be thicker than water, some things are thicker than blood. Poor Kurt already knows this.

    For example: Apple juice is thicker than blood. Ketchup is not.

  10. No matter HOW upset one gets over the topic of paternity tests and such, one should NOT try to tip over their refrigerator!! That's just stupid. Dawn.

  11. I assume that Kurt going with Wilbur to give blood was another bonding experience for them.

  12. Wow! Now I know how I will redecorate my entryway after repairing the winter's ceiling damage!

  13. Coffee is not thicker than blood.

  14. Vicki (w/ hand raised high)February 25, 2010 at 10:42 AM

    Ok, everyone, raise your hand if you want Mary to pick up the phone and call Helen to verify all this, hehehe!

  15. Ooh, Vicki, great idea! I'd like to see Mary get angry at Helen and yell at her over the phone, "Capische?"

  16. I'd like to see everyone discuss this at the same time:

    Dawn: "Dad, we've gathered here today to tell you that Kurt Evans is not your son."

    Helen Clark: "My brother was too (hic) young to know better."

    Lawrence Jonis: "Helen, you can find something of value in everything that happens in life."

    Helen Clark: "He's the illegitimate son of a TRAMP!"

    Wilbur: "Hey, Abby was a free spirit and ...when I look at Kurt, I see her."

    Dr. Jeff: "I know what you mean, Wilbur. My old friend was a hero and his son's the spitting image of him!"

    Helen Clark: "Well, Kurt's not MY family and never will be!"

    Wilbur: "To me, in a way, that almost doesn't matter."

    Mary: "Some things go beyond blood relations."

    Dawn: "How can we translate THAT into practical terms?"


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