Friday, March 5, 2010

Mary Worth 699

First, he doesn't have that Weston trademarked elasticity that allows them to change height and girth at will (watch out for the asbestos ceiling tiles overhead Dawn). Second, had he actually been your son, this story would have suddenly become surprisingly interesting which would have been an extremely unfortunate turn of events.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Dawn- just stop talking right now unless you are going to say "I'm so sorry, Dad. But you've still made a good friend with whom you've bonded, spent quality time together and got along with so well. Remember the fishing trips, the walks in the hills, the weird touching and even weirder expressions?" Ok, I should stop talking right now.

  2. So predictable...but we still keep reading the strip.

  3. I only just noticed that Wilbur's arm hair matches the wispy hair on the crown of his head. Weird.

    Wilbur is one weird dude.

  4. Are those Wilbur's eyes clouding up, or just his 'Transition' lenses changing color unexpectedly?

  5. Paternity test? What paternity test? I'm just distracted by Dawn's vest, which seems to have grown into a dress in one panel!

  6. What Wilbur is really thinking:

    "So the results mean that there is still a chance that Kurt is my son! That's good enouth for me. So where is that silly boy. I can't wait to tell him the good news."

  7. "So you're saying there IS a chance..." LOL anon!

  8. Wilbur, we ALL could have told you that, back, months ago!

  9. Tomorrow, and over the next few days, while Dawn explains to her father how she impertinently pried into his personal affairs and then withheld the information he so eagerly sought, I hope she recalls her conversation with Helen Martin in a (hic) flashback.

  10. I realize newspapers everywhere are in bad shape financially, but is this strip being sponsored by a ceiling tile manufacturer? I mean, honestly! How many views have we had recently of ceilings!?

  11. Vicki, It sure does look like there is a sponsor. The company, however, and it's image seem well suited to this strip.

    Flat Square Ceiling Tiles, Inc.

  12. Wait! This can't be the end...right? What if Wilbur had a dalliance with Helen (hic) Martin, back in the day? There HAS to be another kid out there, with Wilbur's DNA! Tell me we didn't follow this story since November for no payoff...please?

  13. Not so fast...there's still that .1 percent chance that Wilbur is Kurt's father. Anyone who watches a soap opera knows how unreliable a paternity test is. At the end of the day, isn't Mary Worth just another big sudser?

  14. I'm hoping for a return of Helen too. That was a great moment!

  15. My GOD I took a break for a few days and I come back and only NOW have they opened the envelope?

    Would Dante invent another circle of Hell just for dragging plots?


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