Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mary Worth 701

If suspecting what the results would be was reason for leaving, we all would have taken off weeks ago!

Today's Full Strip


  1. Is that what they mean by talking books?

  2. I keep waiting for something dramatic to happen here, like another appearance by Mary. This can't possibly be the end of the current saga. Can it?

  3. The most exciting thing today is the appearance of a cuff on Wilbur's previously short-sleeve polo shirt.

  4. There is no end to the current saga. Abandon all hope ye who follow Worth.

  5. Dad feels sad
    Very, very sad
    He had a bad test
    What a test Dad had

    Kurt had fun
    Lotsa, lotsa fun
    He had a good dad
    But it was not his real one

  6. The Ballad Of Orphan Kurt

    Once upon a time, near a
    place called Charterstone,
    Kurt tried to find a special Dad
    that he could call his own.

    Upon the stoop of Wilbur
    the young lad did soon alight,
    The porcine father figure
    who would make his whole life right!

    And soon the two men bonded
    over dreams of family,
    But something was amiss
    as Wilbur's daughter, Dawn, could see.

    And so, computer-saavy,
    the young lass began to pry,
    And what she found could even cause
    the coldest heart to cry.

    From gin-soaked, rich hag Helen,
    Dawn received the mournful news--
    Kurt had another father and,
    would you please pass the booze?

    Dawn insisted that her father
    get a test paternity,
    A wise demand that caused young Kurt
    to pack his things and flee.

    And now the Westons stand about,
    confused, as readers gripe:
    "Get moving, Moy, this story's done -
    move on to other tripe!"


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.