Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mary Worth 703

"A beautiful free spirit with an inner-tube on her head."

Here's more from a beautiful free spirit. If this were in English, I'd add it to the Charterstone Jukebox. But, sadly, it isn't in English.

Today's Full Strip


  1. "A beautiful, free, spirit who loved you..." "... uh, but not in that way".
    She saved that kind of lovin' for the nasty rich kid.

    I wasn't sure if that was an inner tube or an old LP record album on her head.

  2. Chester(eyeing the salmon squares)March 9, 2010 at 9:18 AM

    This story was so....oh, well, I smell a pool party coming up!

  3. Dawn delivers another bit of fractured Moyspeak, "you idolized your memories of her" (huh?) as she munches on a heavily starched doily.

    Actually, Wilbur's memories of Abby include the real moment of her disappearance, when the highly localized, spontaneous black hole appeared and sucked her into a void and the Men in Black who investigated the phenomenon erased Wilbur's recollection of the event and may have implanted all the weird fishing memories and stuck those oddly omniscient photos in her album.

    But where did Kurt come from, you ask. Well, this this goes deep. Martin Clark's seed was obviously harvested for the "experiment" but he was erased too and then sent somewhere to keep a lid on it. Helen Clark got close to discovering the truth, but what she found out was so horrifying that she sought refuge in a bottle of Boone's Farm Strawberry.

    And where has Kurt gone? Was he recalled to the 9th dimension or has he gone to Paris to pursue his lifelong ambition to design fashionable ladies' footwear?

    Awww, the heck with all this....CANNONBALL!!!!!

  4. Go ahead and put the song on the juke box. It's not in Russian or any other language. (The Russian title means "I'm very glad that I'm returning home.") It's a vocalise, i.e., a song without words. What you're hearing is nothing more than "la la la la" and other equivalents of "la la la la."

  5. Wilbur's credibility as an advice columnist is in serious trouble. Why is he so surprised that a girl he dated didn't want to confide in him that she was pregnant by another man? God, I hope this story is over soon. Could Moy force us to view an entire week of strips featuring Wilbur and Dawn's lunch?

  6. How does one get this job? I'm convinced that I could write story lines every bit as gripping.

  7. Vicki (lalalala...)March 9, 2010 at 12:42 PM

    Oh, Wanders, Mary Worth would SO approve of that handsome, suave young man and his "song" that I am positive the Charterstone Board would be in agreement! Especially, as hia5 stated, there are no Russian words in it to trick anyone.

    What IS the point of this plot line, Moy? Is it to "stay off of FB", or "watch out for town girls", or...just WHAT?

  8. That song is almost as laughable as a Moy storyline....a perfect choice, Wanders. Add my vote for putting it on the Juke Box

  9. Well, maybe one of Wilbur's fond memories of Abby is that she could lip sync better than this Russian guy.....

  10. Citizens of Santa Royale: the Charterstone Condo Board INSISTS that this song is not English. But feel free to replay the video over and over and over again.

    Some of us actually listen to the jukebox regularly, by the way. I'm going to stand with the Condo Board... I have no desire to hear this on the jukebox. It is way too free spirited for me!

  11. Me: Abby the beautiful and loving was a sham?!
    Moy: Abby was a flirt from town who 'charmed' a lot of college guys; she was a cheat.
    Me: Abby the free spirit was simply a fabrication of Wilbur's tainted memory?!
    Moy: She was, peculiar, restless, and unstable.
    Me: Did she really wear a floppy hat?
    Giella: Yes, Duckduck, yes she did.

  12. When is Wilburs girlfriend coming back? Surely her old relative must be healed by now. (unless she is reading this storyline)Iris? Edna? I forgot.


  13. hekatesgal: i had that VERY SAME THOUGHT about two days ago. i was going to post it, but feared sounding egotistical. i mean, really, how can i (or you) compare ourselves to the talent demonstrated by the writer/illustrator of this "comic" strip? still, if you figure out how to break into this scam -er profession - let me know!!!

  14. Quite a vocal range! Looks (poorly) dubbed, though...


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