Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mary Worth 705

No, Wilbur, it wasn't your fault at all. Martin got her pregnant while she was dating you. Doesn't that make you feel just a whole lot better? Have another sandwich.

Today's Full Strip


  1. WIlbur Weston's Patented BlandwichMarch 11, 2010 at 9:03 PM

    I love the Westons' interior design sensibility: a main color of creamsicle, with an accent color of darker, freezer-burned creamsicle. No wonder they're always eating! Yummers!

  2. Explain it again, Dawn...slowly. Maybe, just maybe, after you've explained it a few more times, Wilbur will get it- unless of course, Mary has to pop over with a casserole, and relate one of her own life experiences, in order for it to really sink in. Or maybe this whole story will just abruptly end, with a ''Meanwhile, over at Jeff's...'' panel tomorrow, launching into a 4 month arc about Jeff's mildew problem, and we'll be left hanging as to whatever happened to Kurt?

  3. They must have run out of sandwich fixin's; the table has vanished. Did room service come and take it away?

  4. I have a question... How was Abby so sure that it was Martin's baby? I mean, you know, if it COULD have been Wilbur's... They were dating; they did 'connect', right?

    I'm beginning to suspect that it went sort of like this: "Nature walks are nice and all but I'm a free spirit, Wilbur, with liberal standards, unfettered passions." ... sigh ... "If I make you some sandwiches, will you promise not to be upset that I'm spending tonight with Martin?"

  5. For the love of God, will this storyline never end???

  6. Brick, that is just what I was wondering this whole time!

  7. I'm starting to think Wilbur has never "connected" I think Dawn is adopted or the child of the milkman. Wake up Wilbur and smell the Sanka!

  8. As Maude says, we're overdue for a "Meanwhile..." In fact, we were overdue in January.

  9. I think that free-spirited Abby must have been either high, or was looking for refuge from the police as a member of the Manson family to have ever even THOUGHT to connect with Wilbur.

    A free spirit would not be interested in such a ho-hum dud like Willllllllbur.

    I wonder if Abby has ever told anyone: "I once loved a great man..."

  10. Wilbur, with his vast literary talents and a computer in every room is now kicking around the idea of writing a book on fatherhood. The title will be:

    Fabulous Fatherhood: fishing, fun, and female footwear.

  11. I feel bad for Kurt
    His mother was a flirt,
    quite the extrovert.
    Knocked up by some stuffed shirt.
    Whose family did desert
    poor Kurt.
    He hurt.
    To a child he would revert.
    His quest for a dad overt.
    He bonded with Dilbert.
    Whose daughter was alert.
    When the truth he couldn't skirt,
    he hit the dirt.
    Poor Kurt.

  12. Why is Dawn eating her napking in Friday's strip?

  13. and ANOTHER thing... Given her recent love life (9/07) shouldn't Dawn have reacted with uber-sensitivity to Abby's cheating?
    Wouldn't the Dawn who was so hurt by the most innocent of infidelities in the most shallow of relationships judge Abby to be a "two-timer, a liar, and a breaker of hearts"?

    Consistency in character, Karen.

  14. @ duckdg: oh,that's awesome!!! :)

  15. Wilbur's face in the second panel of Saturday's strip is frightening. And what a weird thing to say, that Kurt just wanted to satisfy his curiosity. About what? The men his mother did in college?

  16. Vicki (i love shoes too!)March 13, 2010 at 4:30 PM

    What did Kurt get out of it? Dawn, go check the shoe rack in your closet and you will have your answer.

  17. Sunday...Wilbur's polo suddenly grew long sleeves.

  18. Uh oh! I have a sinking feeling that Wanders is boycotting this site until Wilbur and Dawn finally stop repeating themselves ad nauseum about all things concerning Kurt. Bad news for us fans...I think Moy is so involved in Adrian and Scott's wedding plans that she's put the strip on autopilot and forgot where she left it.

  19. Good God, this HAS to come to a conclusion, soon! Why do I have this fear that I'll check tomorrow's strip, and it will STILL be Dawn saying; ''So, it wasn't really your fault that Abby left town, all those years ago, Dad. It had much more to do with her unplanned pregnancy, from your rival.'' and Wilbur replying; ''Yes, I could see how that might be possible...but, why do you think Kurt didn't stick around for the results of the paternity test? Especially after all that quality time we spent together?''

  20. I feel sorry for Kurt. His head is about 13-years-old but his body is forty-something.

  21. There has GOT to be an end to this story.

    If we're betting on it, I'll go in for March 21st. I mean, how many times can they rehash the plot? Right?


  22. I gingerly peeked at the Sunday comics yesterday to see if a new story line had begun.

    I angrily threw the paper back down.

    I may check back in April to see if someone has slapped Moy out of her continuous loop of Wilbur and Dawn talking about good times, fishing and blandwiches.

    Sign me as 'duped'

  23. Chester (on the bus)March 15, 2010 at 10:30 AM

    Where is Kurt off to now? Is he on a train? Plane? Bus?

  24. I like to savor the prolonging of a story line. Each extra day of Dawn and Wilbur talking about what has already happened and rhashing the realizations that they made iin the past is like an extra pickle with your sandwich....and the waiter keeps coming over to your table and offering you another can't not take the pickle, it's simple math, if one pickle makes a sandwich better then twenty-seven pickles will make it THE BEST SANDWICH IN THE WORLD. Everybody wants to eat THE BEST SANDWICH IN THE WORLD, right?

    I'm sorry , I'm babbling, it's like some kind of Stockholm Syndrome from being trapped Wilbur and Dawn's with lots of sandwiches and talking....but what's this? Wilbur gets an e-mail from Kurt! Better go get Dawn and tell her what it says! (Anybody want a pickle?)

  25. Toots,
    That is sooooo funny. And what a PERFECT analogy.


  26. I've never much liked pickles.

  27. I think that it is pretty cool that Kurt can send email, just by thinking.

  28. the wind cries "tuffenuf"March 15, 2010 at 3:45 PM

    Since we are all bored to tears by this storyline, it is a good time to review a great youtube clip.

    "The Wind Cries Mary Worth"

    There is also a fun MW Kung Fu Fighting one, but it isn't quite as good.

  29. I dont want a pickle. I just want to ride on my motor sickle. lol

  30. Chester -- I was wondering when they started to put public computers in the bus station!

  31. Vicki (hold the pickles !)March 15, 2010 at 7:41 PM

    @Imogene-- and don't forget, down in the valley Del and Lawrence are expecting their little bundle of joy any day now! It will take her a YEAR to deliver that dang baby and we'll have to read about every labor pain.

    @Chester--I HOPE Kurt is riding the bus to Miami to visit dear old Aunt Helen, tee hee. That would be fun.


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