Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mary Worth 708

Kurt Evans' Email: Day 4

You know, I kind of feel sorry for Kurt. If only things had turned out differently. If only Abby had been faithful to Wilbur. If only Wilbur had married Abby instead of Dawn's mother. Than neither Kurt nor Dawn would have been born. Yes, Kurt, that would have been much better.

I know, we've all been commenting for three months now on this alternate chain of events that apparently would have made everyone so much happier. So this post doesn't really say anything new. But the story hasn't said anything new since Wilbur donated blood for a paternity test, so I really don't feel badly.

It appears that Dawn has snuck one of her Dance Dance Revolution songs onto the Charterstone Jukebox. Let's see how long before the Condo Board realizes it and takes it down.

Today's Full Strip

Oh, and everyone is pretty upset that I didn't post yesterday's awesome panel, so here it is:


  1. Please, Iris,come back from New York. I don't care if your elderly aunt has not yet recovered from her fall, we need you! Wilbur needs you! And Kurt, well, Kurt needs to head over to Burger King and apply for a job.

  2. "Thank you for spending time with me. I wish you were my father." is something that an immature five year old would say. But why, Kurt, why do you wish Wilbur were your father? See the last comment re: motivation from Tuesday's post.

  3. There is no "motivation" for anything written in this strip. Oh, and I can't decide if Giella is on-purpose making the writing look worse with his uneven artwork.

    And if I see one more damn ham sandwich made with Wonder bread, I'll scream. Haven't these people heard of rye, or pumpernickel?

    The only way Moy makes this three month waste of time up to me would be to permanently have ol' Lush Helen move into Charterstone.

    Oh, and I bet the next useless story will be something about Delilah's pregnancy and possible post-partum depression...

  4. I hope the next story is about a character falling victim to some sort of Internet-based fraud!

    fingers crossed!

  5. I've been going back through the archives for 2009. I know, don't weep for me. I brought it upon myself.

    My math skills are anything but daunting, and Moy seems to wobble in and out of stories randomly with the deftness of a bar-hopping drunkard, but I have noticed two things.

    First, Moy never seems to start a new story on any day, but a Monday. So, we've got at least three more days, and possibly six or more, of Wilbur's story.

    Second, Moy's longest story so far has been about 111 days long (Delilah + Lawrence have troubles, mid-May to late-August). If this story stops as soon as Sunday, then it will have surpassed that story as the longest by two days. In other words, we're on track for the longest Moy story since at least 2008. History, people! You can tell your grandchildren, "I was there!" Just leave out the part about being rendered semi-comatose by bastard sons and bologna blandwiches.

    But I think this Monday we should be out of the woods and into the next banal, hopeless story.

    I mean, she can't keep doing this to us, can she?

    Can she?

  6. Yay Dawn! Perfect song for the jukebox!

  7. Fridays strip? WTF?????

  8. Wilbur slowly morphing into a pig while sitting on the dock. Kurt, as he sits on the bus (?) has completely transformed from engaging young song-and-dance man to Joe Palooka.

  9. @Chester: you said it! WTF is going on with Friday's strip!? Kurt lives in a dump of a place with a pregnant woman!? Is this his woman, a sister, a neighbor? what?????

  10. I think it's his woman, and maybe a sister, definitely not a neighbor. Neighbors don't greet each other with such exhilarated exuberance.

    I think that Kurt, having long suffered from an uneasy restlessness, had abandoned his pregnant woman/sister in search of both a father figure and stability.

    Having spent anywhere from 2 to 20 weeks with Wilbur, he is now equipped to be a calm and stable father, just like Wilbur... calm and stable... unemployed... paunchy... sluggish...

  11. I think it's his woman, and maybe a sister, definitely not a neighbor. Neighbors don't greet each other with such exhilarated exuberance.

    I think that Kurt, having long suffered from an uneasy restlessness, had abandoned his pregnant woman/sister in search of both a father figure and stability.

    Having spent anywhere from 2 to 20 weeks with Wilbur, he is now equipped to be a calm and stable father, just like Wilbur... calm and stable... unemployed... paunchy... sluggish...


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.