Monday, April 5, 2010

Mary Worth 721

Zombie Mary's eyes literally glaze over as she smells the blood of serious problems over at the Johnsons' apartment. Her wrist goes limp and she nearly drops her trowel of doom. Meanwhile, Toby Cameron, the ever present voice of reason ("I think I'll retile the kitchen floor tomorrow,") subtly tries to suggest that the Johnsons might be best off solving their own problems. Oh, Toby, you dear little dimwitted fool. Don't you see Mary's trowel? She's not going to stop until the Johnsons are planted snugly in her garden bed of victims.

May I just add a note on how much I enjoy everyone's comments and emails? Each day we get about 300 visitors here at Mary Worth and Me. I know those aren't staggering numbers for the Interwebs, but when you consider the subject matter, I think it's pretty darn amazing. I appreciate that people stick with the Family Friendly format of this blog, and that many of you have actually signed up to become citizens of Santa Royale by following this blog (if you haven't joined, you're still invited. You wouldn't want to turn me down, would you?). Also, a reminder to newcomers: Don't forget to hold your cursor over the images for your free secret message from the Santa Royale Condo Board.

I hope everyone is having a beautiful spring. Now, I'm off to Opening Day with my son to watch the World Champion Philadelphia Phillies play a baseball game with my beloved Washington Nationals.

Today's Full Strip


  1. If Bonnie?Bonnie Johnson? doesn't have serous problems now, I guarantee she will by the time Mary gets through with her. AS for the subject matter, it beats discussing health care reform.

  2. "Mary, we've been having problems as well. Just take a look at my pants. Look at them! I intentionally wear them backwards so it looks like I have a butt in front of me. Am I fooling anyone? Am I?

    And you, YOU, you garden in white high heels."

    I hope this story find us back at ol' Charlie's where we discover the root of Bonnie and Ernie's troubles are those 'adult paintings.' They do seem quite immature, so I imagine them being scarred forever like children if they saw them! *gasp*

  3. Sorry for the not-Mary-Worth-related comment, but...

    Have fun at the game!!!! I'm a huge Phillies fan and incredibly jealous, even if you'll be cheering for the "wrong" team :)

  4. Yasmin, you took the words right out of my mouth! I love the "garden chic" look that Mary is rocking, with the dungarees paired with the little white pumps. It's like she couldn't wait to rush out into the garden after church on Easter Sunday and just threw on the dungarees but didn't take time to change her shoes!

  5. Have fun at the ballpark, Wanders. I've got my tickets for the Rays opener tomorrow. As for the prospects of our respective teams, well, hope springs eternal.

    Every new baseball season is like a new Mary Worth plot. There's lots of anticipation, but usually, two to three months in and your hopes are dashed and your enthusiasm has cooled to sub-Salmon square temperture.

  6. Was Giella rushed to finish today's strip? The second panel especially looks strange. Neither Mary nor Toby look like themselves.

  7. So jealous, particularly because it was already a gorgeous day at 8:00 when I hopped out of my car and looked one block south at the stadium, knowing that I was going to be trapped in the office all day. Sigh. Have a good time with #2. If I am able to tear myself away and there are in fact walk-up tickets available, I'll stalk the two of you down to say, "Hi" with my wild eyes a-flashing!



  8. Vicki (envying Wanders today)April 5, 2010 at 12:45 PM

    Have fun, fun, fun at the game! (I mostly go to triple A's, but occasionally take in a Tigers game.) Baseball is such a great game!!

    Mary is agitated and drooling from the mouth b/c it's been what...24 hours and she hasn't heard from Bonnie? yet? Their food hasn't even digested yet. Good grief.

    Never thought we'd hear the voice of reason from someone who paints huge clown face oil paintings! But sometimes Toby can act pretty normal, it seems.

    Now excuse me. I do have problems. I need to get back to work.

  9. Oh, Mary isn't wearing pumps....those are HighHeeled Sneakers....soooo much more dignified than your ordinary ones...

  10. Scary Worth, right there. Her meddle-starved inner demon is in danger of revealing itself to the mortals upon which it preys for sustenance!

  11. There appears to be a strong correlation between Mary Worth Fandom and opening day attendance. I just returned from watching the lowly Pittsburgh Pirates drub the mighty L.A. Dodgers.

  12. @ Vicki -- Not only drooling, but Mary's bitten her lips in fevered anticipation of a major meddle-a-thon -- Look how blood-red they are! Scary!

  13. Mary looks like a woman possessed! Could she be on the verge of a nervous breakdown?

  14. While it's very common for people in Santa Royale to physically grow and shrink at the drop of a hat, Toby has taken this to a ridiculous new level: she's as tall as that 3-story building right behind her! No wonder she thinks big scary clown paintings are miniatures!

  15. Mary's become catatonic with glee at the Johnson's difficulties. I love it. Now I'm catatonic with glee. The cycle of life.

  16. Well, I guess this conversation that Mary & Toby are having is not a continuation of their coffee talk of yesterday as I had originally thought. They are both wearing different tops so this must be the next day or hours later or . . . a dream? I don't know. When I first looked at today's strip I immediately thought that Mary was wearing white high-heeled crocs and Toby had a baby bump.

  17. Please stop me. I see ladies like Bonnie?Bonnie Johnson? on the subway and just want to help them. Then I am hit over the head with a Marcys bag and just move on.

  18. Chester (hiding the grout)April 5, 2010 at 11:34 PM

    Imogene: funny about Tobys size! If she wants to retile Idaho, er, her kitchen, just let her do it!


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.