Monday, November 14, 2011

Mary Worth 1,171

Toby closes her eyes whenever she tells lies to Mary.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Wanders, I saw it as a big ham-handed fist punching through the window. Perhaps Team Manager wants more face time. And how do you know when it's time for Toby to leave the scene? She puts her scarf back on, the one that was missing yesterday.

  2. Her errand is really a secret rendezvous with the eyeless thieves! "She's freaking out!" she'll confide to them.

  3. (That was me at 8:07 - my WV of "bumbel" fits well this AM)

  4. "I just remembered that watching people call credit card companies is insanely boring! Gotta go paint some clown portraits!"

  5. @heydave, my thoughts exactly. "Oops, just remembered a few more gift cards I need to purchase! See ya, Mary."

  6. Glad Toby put her clothes back on! She was flexing for Sunday's strip then --ZING-- back to the black number with the pink scarf.

    Loving Toby's fist of fury today.

  7. I wonder if the thieves purchased any discount dance supplie?

  8. Hopefully AAA gives Mary all she can handle when she calls about that one.

  9. It would be FANTASTIC if Toby were conniving with the eyeless thieves!

    I'd like to know more about Mary's "ideal world." And, is she ever going to call the police?

  10. Mary has 9 credit cards (all of them in good standing I'm sure)? Maybe Dr. Jeff wanted to marry her just to improve his credit rating?

  11. Oh boy, are we in for an exciting few weeks! I can't wait until Mary has to go down the DMV to get a new driver's license & reggie for her car! Who knows who she'll run into at DMV?

  12. Maude - the harried clerk at the DMV window will surely tell Mary a long story about how "love is not for her." And we'll be off to the races...

  13. um, yeah...I gotta' go iron chinbeard's bermuda shorts for the next pool party.

  14. James in North DakotaNovember 14, 2011 at 1:10 PM

    With that "Moy and Giella" surveillance sticker on her window, Mary Worth won't need to worry about anyone breaking into her apartment.

  15. Maybe this is all leading up to Mary's needing to be retested for her driver's licence. She'll fail, because Moy wants the strip to go in a different direction. Mary will become a shut-in, Toby will grab the reins of comic power, and the new strip will be titled "Toby Cameron." Note to Ian: don't buy any green bananas- you're about to be sacrificed for artistic purposes.

  16. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Wake me when she gets off the phone.

  17. Why do the windows in Mary Worth seem to be one-way only? You can see in from the outside but when looking out there is only solid blue or gray most of the time. What is the symbology?

  18. Maybe we will have the pleasure of
    seeing Mary make every last one of her tedious telephone calls and learn, to our eternal benefit, the fraudulant balances on each of her credit cards. The longer she waits, the higher the balances become. $400 is just the beginning. Wait until they get to the card with the $1,000 credit limit.

  19. I'll bet they have the nerve to use her ''Buy 5 Sandwiches, Get the 6th One Free!'' card, too. I can almost hear Wilbur weeping, as I type that, but it's true.

  20. " errand, that's it, I just remembered I have to run an errand. See ya around, Mary."

  21. Maude Findlay, you made me laugh out loud. Along with her Buy 5 Sandwiches card, what else would Mary have in her wallet? I'm guessing a special zipper compartment crammed with Metamucil coupons.

  22. Hilarious comments Monday. I must say though that I'm disappointed to find on Tuesday that they've already moved on; I was looking forward to sitting through a November of Mary's call to AAA.

    With all the calls Mary had to make, I sense she'll simplify and move on to pay with Google Wallet from her feature phone.

  23. Tuesday's strip: I love Mary's peevish remark: "So much work for a careless mistake!" Mary and Toby never seem to have anything to do except talk, eat, and drink, so Mary should be grateful for any activity.

  24. "So much work for a careless mistake."

    Reminds me of the time I first set foot in Wanders' lair. ;)

  25. Yeah, Mary, I've got some errands to run too.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. With her lame attempt at using an impressive vocabulary just to show off, Mary/Moy will have Toby running for a dictionary.

    "Ambivalent" means "simultaneous, conflicting feelings," esp. the inability to make a decision because of conflicting feelings. Moy uses it here out of context. More appropriate choices would have been "nonchalant" or "indifferent."

  28. Marys wallet also included her card for the SR library. She will never checkout a grey book again.

    Where oh where is Ensign Terry Bryson when we need her? Did her concrete suitcase not make it through the Enterprises' transporter?

    Toby "I have to go, Mary. I to finish retiling my kitchen." (phew, hope she bought that)

  29. I don't believe it, but Moy's outdone herself. She's made the Gina storyline look riveting compared to this rubbish.

    There's not even a cliffhanger. It's just a list of things that Mary has to do and that's it. Talk about calling it in. I thought Lynn Johnston was getting lazy towards the end of FBOFW, but she's a genius compared to this!

  30. Exactly, Wanters. I can't tell if that is a countertop with plates on it or the kitchen ceiling. I think Uncle Joe did it on purpose. He has to keep himself entertained somehow.


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