Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mary Worth 1,195

Under distress, we can all say stupid things. McThuggy is older relative to whom? Emily? I should hope so. Mary Worth? I should hope not.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Authoritative pointing is the new face touching.

  2. Authoritative pointing? Could be. Looks more like a gang sign to me.

  3. Diner has a name! And a better name than The Lemon Wedge, at that. (Not MUCH better, but you take what you can get.)

  4. Wanders, much better if Mary had said "she's with a man who's so sketchy looking they're calling him McThuggy over on Mary Worth and Me!" That would have sent the fuzz over super fast.

  5. Good point, Punky. I've always thought we exist in an alternate universe over here at Mary Worth and Me. And I'm damn glad of it.

  6. James in North DakotaDecember 22, 2011 at 9:59 AM

    The Good Eats Diner???

    It's a Christmas miracle! Diner has a name!!! :)

    And speaking of Christmas miracles, I'm sending that there will be a happy ending here by Saturday, with a re-cap version on Sunday ending with a very smug Mary Worth talking about how Christmas is about families, and now Emily Smith will be with her families.

    I just hope it ends with Snoopy dancing on a piano.

  7. She's with an older man- he's much older than he was when he arrived- just check out how he looks. He's likely to die of old age at the rate Mary is giving info to 911.

    Good Eats Diner? Prove it.

    James in ND--I'm hoping it ends with Mary dancing on a piano.

    WV: amentrin- what Mary has in that pill bottle at her bedside.

  8. "Has Emily been missing for at least 48 hours?

    Please go to SRPD and complete form MP-107(b)."

  9. Moy probably watches "Good Eats" on Food Network, but believes she has thought up the name for DINER herself.

  10. James @ 9:59A

    "I just hope it ends with Snoopy dancing on a piano."


    I love it!

  11. Where is Mary's sweater? And where is her purse? Mary is leaving everything everywhere - not being vigilant at all.

  12. At Costco yesterday a silver-haired lady approached me and insisted I buckle my purse into the cart with the child safety strap because her friend's purse had been stolen from a cart there last week. It was All I Could Do to refrain from asking if her friend is Mary Worth. I assured her I had a List, in any case. Sigh,no sightings of kidnappees, so no chance to drag a cashier into the parking lot and shake her silly.

  13. @heydave - it can't end soon enough... Especially for our little Emily, who will have to listen to hours of platitudes from Mary, once she's rescued.

  14. Yesterday Mary was standing in front of cupboards with doors.Today the doors are gone, it's just shelves. I'd love the name of that lightning-fast remodeling contractor.

  15. Does anyone else hold out hope that Amy, Mary's sling-wearing neighbor, fits into this plot? I'm hoping she is Thuggy's forgotten old mother. Otherwise, that casserole delivery business was a red herring. (Yep, ANOTHER one!)

  16. Thorpnotized: along the lines of your Food Network comment, 'McThuggy' may just be a poorly drawn Guy Fieri.

    KitKat: the Amy Slingblade wasn't a red herring; the monkey that shakes the plot-driving magic eight ball just gave it another shake.

  17. What kind of diner can it be, and how can it have "good eats", if the cops don't eat there? Why aren't there some there now, at the counter?

  18. @KitKat- Ah, maybe you're onto something, there! Perhaps Thuggy will hold everyone hostage at Diner, and Amy/Slingy McThuggy will have to come and talk to him through a bullhorn, and get him to give up & surrender to the cops?

  19. Carlye's right!! What diner worth it's salt WOULDN'T already have a cop or two at the counter eating pie and drinking coffee? "Good Eats?", I don't think so! Apparently rainbow swirl ice cream hasn't impressed anyone down at the precinct.

  20. Isn't the Good Eats Diner right next to the hospital? Why doesn't Mary go over there and get Dr. Jeff to slice up McThuggy with a scalpel or something?

  21. Good Eats Diner? More like the No Eats Diner.

    Why is Mary holding a tiny little human head in the first panel?

    For Christmas I want an update on Chester. That's when I was first transported into the Worthiverse, having been mesmerized by the spectacular full-beagle X-ray.

    --Beagle Vet


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.