Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mary Worth 1,235

There's something about Nola's silent laugh and the effort with which she uses actual quotation marks in her mind that makes me think she may have "EARNED" her promotion in less than ethical ways. But maybe I should give her the benefit of the doubt.

Today's Full Strip


  1. OMIGOD! Nola's eyes are looking RIGHT AT ME! What a way to start Wednesday, I'm doomed (whimper).

  2. Nola is going to rule this office with an iron fist! Muah ha ha ha ha!

  3. Any character who says, "Heh, heh!" in her mind really needs a mustache to twirl.

  4. A purple blouse and ill-fitting jacket/cardigan must be what powerful women in Santa Royale wear. Bwa-ha-ha!

    I'm fascinated by Nola's changing face from the first panel to the second. She looks almost (dare I say it) demure in the first, but what a change in the second. Look at those eyebrows! It also looks like she's about to yank off her wig. What else is Nola hiding?

  5. I, for one, welcome my new overlord mistress.

  6. Please Kit Kat--too early for 'Crying Game' references.

    ...wig flying into the air...
    "Aldo Kelrast?!"
    "And I would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for you meddling kids..and this meddling old lady..."

    Ok--maybe it isn't too early.

  7. @Dave in Parma, a "Crying Game" scenario in Santa Royale would REALLY be something to see! Mary would be hard-pressed to spout some cliche for that.

  8. @KitKat: I would expect the cliche to be something along the lines of "!"

  9. Hey... I think I work with Nola!

    Has the Mary Worth comic ever gone off on this tangent? Did Moy finally sense that her stories were finally getting so boring that newspapers were dropping the strip like hot potatoes? Is this her last ditch effort to make Mary Worth exciting?

  10. Wanders - can we add Hall & Oates "Maneater" to the jukebox?

  11. Hi, it's me again.

    I have decided that the second panel image of Nola is so over the top that I am officially in love with it.



  12. With apologies to Beavis and Butthead, "heh, heh".

  13. Now we know how Nola got that black sore on her lower lip.

  14. Wow, things are about to get steamy in Santa Royale! Mary's really got her work cut out for her with this one. Since bad guys always finish last in this strip, Nola is about to start spiraling downward, any day now... or possibly any week now... month? Who am I kidding, this storyline will enthrall us all till at least the 4th of July!

    WF- ''yncela hoples''- which sounds like the name of a future Mary Worth character. Not liking this 2 word verification thing too much. Especially the ones that are really blurry & obscured.

  15. "Well I'm not dumb but I can't understand why she walked like a woman and talked like a man, oh my Nola..." Well, at least she thought bubbled like a man.
    Now I will brace myself for the eight different ways Nola will brag about her office and position so we don't move the story along at too speedy a clip.

  16. Oh, almost forgot my Mary Worth In Real Life Moment yesterday. I was at the drugstore, sick, waiting for my prescription.The sign says scrips get filled in 15 min.but 40 min. passed and nada. I was exasperated & a manager happened by. When I explained my predicament he actually offered me ice cream, any flavor. He was stalling me! I should have said, "Do I look like a 10 year old from Goleta? Just get me my meds!" No, there was no Rainbow Swirl. And he didn't offer me a modeling gig, either.

  17. Well, I for one am blushing thinking about just "how" Nola might have "earned" her new position, heh heh! Shame on me, though ---I'm SURE she deserves it because of her hard work, good attendance, etc.

  18. In the second panel, Nola seems to have gone from "resting my head against my hands to gloat about my new position" to "scratching dry scalp violently."

  19. @ Robert, I don't believe Nola is scratching her head. I think she is ripping the velcro apart, and will peel her mask off! Who is behind the Nola mask?

  20. @TuffeNuff--if we're lucky, the strip will go the route of Judge Parker, where until the last few months, the good Judge was rarely seen. The strip could have been called 'Sam Driver.'

    Then again, poor Wanders might need to jump through some hoops to update the site name to 'Nola and Me'....

  21. First of all, Nola's new office is tiny. She's stuck in a corner and her chair might hit the wall when she slides it back. The office doesn't appear to have windows, as I don't see any natural light shining on her. There is also no artwork.

    Secondly,she appears to be checking herself for lice. Did she contract lice while she was showing a home? If I recall, we all decided she works in real estate.

  22. I'm not feeling the love yet, from Nola. She's no Liza-with-a-Z, and certainly no Jill (if we were playing Clue, I'd pick Jill, in the gutter, with purple boots). Right now Nola just feels like a two-dimensional construct ("I'm Nola! I get what I want!"). However, the blue in her eyes DOES match the blue in her hair so alluringly.....

    (Side point: Is there something anti-feminist about how Mary Worth keeps creating these man-eating, unpleasant young female characters as "guest stars" in the strip?)


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