Friday, August 30, 2013

Mary Worth 1,665

On her way from the mailbox, Mary stops to punch in for another day of forced exercise and therapy at the Pax Wellness "Resort and Spa."

Today's Full Strip


  1. For it is not always better to heed the words of the wise elders such as I and ignore untrue policies, irrespective of their basis in such mundane and arcane concerns as actually being qualified to render psychoanalytic advice in a fluffy spa setting?

  2. Is that a Univac computer?

    What I'd like to ask Mary: If Shannon was the overweight nebbishy person and Aggie the svelte brunette, would you still defend Shannon and accuse Aggie? Just wondering...

  3. In response to Nance's suggestion, yesterday, that we comment in verse or haiku:

    There once was a meddler named Mary
    Whose platitudes never did vary
    At a dull desert spa
    She assumed force of law
    And the owners had better be wary

    (hey, a limerick. Counts as verse, doesn't it?)

  4. Look out for Man Hands!
    Administrator, beware.
    She'll rip your face off.

    Do Mary's bidding:
    Keep Shannon; no one gets hurt.
    Think of Pax Wellness!

  5. Oh healing beauty!
    Or is that just ol' Mary?
    Don't smell too closely.

  6. Many mailboxes
    How to know which one to choose?
    Somehow, Mary knows

  7. Do you think Aggie overreacted? I'm not sure. They've only told us 147 times.

  8. If Aggie never complained, then the only way they would know that Shannon offended her would be from Mary's letter, which may well be the trigger that gets Shannon fired. Nice work, Worth.

  9. Mary ruminates:
    Aggie will ruin Shannon!
    Must think in boldface...

  10. Will the admistrator be more receptive to feedback than Ms.Moy?

  11. So Shannon might get fired just because one person with anger issues complained... Yes, that's realistic. As realistic as everything else in the Worthiverse...

    Why is it this thin plot is going on forever while the Beth/TomDear story which had LOTS more potential lasted less than half the time??

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. As Mary was writing her note,
    She thought that the spa was quite haute.
    But Aggie was right
    Shannon's really a blight,
    And the spa's not giving Mary a vote!

  14. Aggie has complaints
    Mary comes to the rescue
    Shannon's ass, covered

  15. So I take it this conflict is our plot.
    Restorative and relaxing it's not.
    We already know from Thorp's spoiler,
    that it thoroughly embroils her
    which is good. For Mary
    air's easier to breathe when it's hot.

    Thanks for the suggestion, Nance. Always better when I can respond to boredom with creativity.

  16. This "plot;" it brings pain.
    When will Mary release us?
    Not this life, I fear.

  17. With a wing, not a hand, she delivers
    While the Pax Wellness management quivers
    They know Mary's a coot
    And a meddler to boot
    So they're off hiding, pickling their livers.

  18. Arrival at Pax
    Something new to be had here
    Different meddling

    Met the widow June
    Platitudes abound
    Grief, love, and loss.

    Made her a convert
    To Mary Worths thinking
    Meddling is youth.

    Write this letter slow,
    Her soul will be indebted
    But her job, (grin), mine.

    Meddling at Pax
    Meddling at Charterstone
    Meddling is life.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.