Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mary Worth 1876

"Now you can prove to us that you see flower fairies."

Today's Full Strip


  1. Yep, that's the first thing I though too, Wanders. When that angel comes back, I hope she can snap a picture of it.

  2. Not only fairies and angels, but maybe photos of bad doctors performing badly! It's fortunate that SantaRoymart has an ample inventory of flashcubes.

  3. Our metabolisms are too high to show up as more than a faint blur.

  4. People don't park at Mountain View Hospital - the hospital provides a limousine service for all its patients.

  5. Negligent Mom Who Found Old Disposable Camera in a DrawerAugust 19, 2014 at 10:21 AM

    ..."and if you are a good girl all month, we will buy you a mimeograph machine!"

  6. Ken's Orange OVercoatAugust 19, 2014 at 11:26 AM

    Meh. Why pay good money for a good camera when a piece of junk is cheaper? It's your only child, after all.

  7. Let me guess: the film gets developed at One Hour Photo (RIP Mr. Williams).

  8. Olive's Enchanted Disposable CameraAugust 19, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    a mimeograph... the precursor to copy machines that used the funky smelling blue ink.

  9. "Ooh, thank you, Daddy. A Kodak Instamatic! Can we stop at Gray Drug and get some film cartridges? All the other kids in grade three have to take pictures with their dumb ol' iPhones."

    (For Christmas she's getting a stereopticon with slides of the 1900 Pan American Exhibition.)

  10. Okay, a few things could happen here:
    a) she gets all of these crazy a** pictures BUT THERE IS NO FILM IN THE CAMERA!
    b) she gets pictures of her little fairy friends in the tulips/her angel dude
    c) she gets incriminating pictures of Dr. Khaput or someone doing something awful
    d) the story ends and we move on to that old guy who is married to the youngish chick who has no job other than to paint clowns.

  11. Chin Napkin GroupieAugust 19, 2014 at 7:15 PM

    Wait until Olive tries to take a picture of Mary and the camera squirts water.

  12. I wonder if she'll start pronouncing it "cam-er-ahhh" like Jenna Maroney on 30 Rock.

  13. Olive will immediately start taking picture of flower fairies, angels, hobgoblins, Mary's aura, etc. When she gets the developed film back (this isn't a digital camera, I suppose) she will finally understand that all of her visions have indeed always just been in her head only. In her despair, she will once more end up in the pool. Her believe in her powers shattered, the uncanny connection she had with her special friend is equally broken. Mary will dream of chicken salad appetizers and how she will crush the competition during the next pool party/food fest, and the frantic, far-away splashing will sound like the applause she so richly deserves. So sad about little Olive!

  14. Wednesday
    What Ed really means when he tells Olive "We love that you have a great imagination...and that you have a good eye for noticing things!": "We know that you are prone to hysteria...and that you frequently hallucinate!"

    Didn't that sign read "Charterstone Apartments" when the Taylors were on their way to Mountview Hospital to meet Dr. Kapuht? That was so long ago, Comics Kingdom doesn't go back that far.

  15. You notice "Tee Hee Ed" is leering at his woman. He is hoping little Olive runs along with her camera, so he can have some more QUALITY TIME in that double wide pool chair.


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