Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mary Worth 1891

I'm trying to think of anything worse that an old lady can say to a child. I am struggling here.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Ken's Orange OvercoatSeptember 9, 2014 at 10:04 AM

    I can think of worse - much worse - but Mary's is a pretty creepy message. This whole storyline has been pretty creepy, so at least Kmoy is being consistent. I just want to move on to the next plot, which hopefully will have more comedy in it. Maybe Aldo's ghost could haunt Mary!

  2. Holy moly, "sensitive" is in boldface italics! This translates to Mary saying "Throughout your life, Olive, people are going to chew you up and spit you out! They're going to squash you like a bug and kick you to the curb! They're going to [more awful stuff blah blah blah]!" This makes me wonder if KM was a "sensitive" child.

    The Taylors apparently lived out of their suitcases all the months they spent at Charterstone. However, they did steal the double-wide deck chair and are FedEx-ing to NYC.

  3. Gaaaaa! Run, Olive, run! Get on that plane as fast as you can, and hope your parents left no forwarding address. Being "guided" by. Mary Worth is a fate you must escape.

  4. Mary and Olive need to wrap up this tedious farewell so the Taylor family can catch that Malaysian Airlines flight.

  5. If you need me, Olive, just call out to me with your mind and I will come a runnin'! For instance, if you are mercilessly bullied at school, call out to me and I will get on the next plane (after I have dinner with Jeff to tell him I'm leaving). If your Dad goes psycho and starts running around with an axe, reach out with your mind, Olive. I will clear my schedule and come to New York to help. If you need help more immediately, call out to me with your mind and I'll see if I can get Broadway Legend Ken Kensington or maybe New York Blazes star soccer player Bobby Black to help you. They are my close, personal friends.

  6. "I wish I were there to guide you because you may as well not have parents."

  7. Yes, Olive. Trust yourself. If you feel like you need to run around the pool at night, don't question yourself, just do it. Especially if it's in the middle of a violent thunder storm. While you're at it, grab a pair of scissors to carry while you're running. Trust yourself, kid. Your instincts will always direct you!

  8. Fannie the Fluttering Flower FairySeptember 9, 2014 at 1:26 PM

    Wouldn't it be great if tomorrow's panels show Olive's parents peeling out of the driveway and leaving Olive behind?

  9. "...keep your head together, and caLLLL MY NAME out loud. Soon, you'll hear me knockin' upon your door..." Charterstone Jukebox suggestion: "You've Got a Friend" (Carol King version)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh Sandi Ego, it is probably too soon for the Malaysian Airlines joke, but I laughed anyway. And yes, I'm ashamed of myself, but I'm more ashamed of Karen Moy. Come to think of it, "Mary Ego" might have been a better name for this strip.


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