Thursday, September 25, 2014

Mary Worth 1896

Maybe she could live at Charterstone, where she already lives, and she could take a shuttle, or catch a ride from the many close friends everyone at Charterstone thinks they have.

My break was exactly what I needed. My only disappointment was that I didn't get to blog about Mary's road rage:

This reminded me of the time an old woman on the road near our grocery store got upset at my wife for some imagined offense, got out of her car, started banging on my wife's car window, screaming the F-word, and essentially flipping out. My wife just ignored her until the light turned green and drove off. Old ladies who suffer from road rage should not be driving!

Well, I'm back. I've read all the comments on the last post. (Winner: Hia5 for Hanna the Wiccan.) But I wondered if anyone would take a guess as to where I spent my break. I left a clue for you on this page that any hot shot teenaged detective should have been able to figure out.


  1. When my Grandma was 95 (she's now 104 and still tickin') my Dad had to take her keys away from her because she was still driving to the Grocery Store (yes, she still lived in her house at that point). My Dad asked her how she got to the Grocery Store. Her response? "Oh, I just go down the alleys." Reality: There are no alleys that would get her to the Grocery Store. Scary... but kind of funny too (only because no one got hurt).

  2. You were at Charterstone???

  3. On safari in the city/county/province/country/continent of Africa with Mark Trail?

  4. Welcome back, Wanders! As you mentioned a shuttle, perhaps you were at Cape Canaveral.

    Notice that Mary hasn't suggest to Hanna that she have an eye exam. Instead, she leaps to "You must never, ever drive again! You're a menace to society!" So much for "compassionate widow Mary Worth."

  5. Here's my guess on where you were:
    (I have no idea really, I just live here and know you are LDS.)

  6. Glad you had a break, wherever it was!
    Can't Hanna have a complete physical and a vision exam before Mary rushes to yank her license? I'm sure Mary is granted that authority by the local DMV, because she's Mary.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.