Saturday, June 6, 2015

Mary Worth 2070

Meanwhile, Jeff and Adam are having a long drawn out conversation about women, "Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em," and aiming at stuff.

Today's strip


  1. Hannah and Sean were a more compelling romantic duo than Terry and Adam. And what's the symbolism of Mary and Terry holding up identical roses like something in an early Renaissance painting?

  2. Clearly every rose does not have its thorn - Mary has a very firm grasp on hers and shows no signs of being impaled. Perhaps the flower fairies removed all or the thorns. Or, perhaps roses that grow on dense hedges like Mary's do not have thorns....

  3. "Of all ghosts the ghosts of our old loves are the worst" Arthur Conan Doyle
    "Of all Mary Worth plots the plots of old loves are the worst" Sandi Ego

  4. Chin Napkin GroupieJune 6, 2015 at 11:35 PM

    "He'll survive",darn it.

  5. Okay, Uncle Joe - yes, you're good at drawing roses but enough is enough!!


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