So, I'm figuring Hilton Berkes is thinking one of three things:
1) Ian's wife is a dog.
3) This food tastes like dog. Store bought dog.
3) I should take this food home to my dog.
Of course, all this assumes that is actually a dog. And that the thought balloon is coming from Hilton Berkes.
I'm sorry, there really is no making any sense of today's strip.
Looks like Toby's got another case of Six Fingers
ReplyDeleteWanders, I also thought the thought balloon was coming from Hilton, and I was baffled by that gray creature. Your options cover all the bases, and they made me laugh out loud.
ReplyDeleteIan is so desperate to get Hilton to move to Charterstone, one wonders if his academic career is on the thinnest of ice. Despite the huge office Mr. G. pictured him in, is Ian an untenured visiting adjunct instructor who has one foot out the door and the other on a banana peel?
I'm surprised at you Wanders. After all these years of observing and commenting on the Moy /Giella Worthiverse , it should be obvious that the thought bubble is Toby's and that she is imagining the dog / cat figure that she will be up all night sculpting. The creative mind never rests.
ReplyDeleteWow... never thought I'd actually have empathy for Toby. She always seemed such a snarky little thing. Now that I see what that self-centered jerk Ian is like--whoa! Hilton would be wise to stay away from Charterstone for all kinds of reasons. Especially since dogs don't seem to last very long there.
ReplyDeleteToby looks comatose. Ian has crazy eyes. Hilton is speaking without moving his lips. The beast of ambiguous species is sporting the most normal expression of all living creatures in today's strip, and we don't even know what he's thinking.
ReplyDeleteAmbiguous species thinking: Ummm...rotisserie chicken....
ReplyDeleteI think Chin Napkin Groupie is correct, though I too was baffled until my husband offered the same explanation!
ReplyDeleteHilton has been alone so long, I believe he is looking at Toby and thinking "FOX". Then again, Ian felt this dinner would be good for Toby also- maybe he is thinking she could keep Hilton company in his loneliness? Wait- I forgot he is insanely jealous, that can't be right
ReplyDeleteI don't think that Toby has said anything at all in this conversation yet. Has anyone else noticed the same thing?
ReplyDeleteI concur that the thought balloon belongs to Toby. Perhaps Hilton Berkes reminds her of a dog, and she feels inspired to sculpt it later. It kind of looks like a breed called a Brussels Griffon. (I like to watch dog shows, although I've never owned a purebred cat or dog in my life. All adopted waifs and strays.)
ReplyDeleteI'm not a big fashion person, I'll admit, but what is up with Ian's jacket?
ReplyDeleteI am pretty convinced that Hilton Berkes just doesn't want to move to a smaller home because he's thinking of getting a dog...or dog-demon-thingy.
ReplyDeleteI think the big tree, which just arrived since yesterday, is babbling about downsizing. Hilton is thinking DOG. Toby isn't thinking anything. And Ian has decided to say the most obvious fact that there is about living in a condo. This could be a possible panel of the year.
ReplyDeleteStill doesn't look like chicken on that platter. Is that a plate of cauliflower to the right of the guest? And how does he warrant two glasses of clear liquid? Where is Toby's plate? What is she trying to put in her cake hole AND is that a balloon of roses that Ian seems to be holding?
ReplyDeleteStill doesn't look like chicken on that platter. Is that a plate of cauliflower to the right of the guest? And how does he warrant two glasses of clear liquid? Where is Toby's plate? What is she trying to put in her cake hole AND is that a balloon of roses that Ian seems to be holding?
ReplyDeletechupacabra ?
ReplyDeleteWell, whatever is going on in that first panel, I would nominate it as a candidate for Panel of the Year.
ReplyDeleteWhat a painfully awkward dinner. Ian is trying so desperately to convince ol' Berkes to move into Charterstone when he plainly doesn't want to, thinks Ian's apartment is small, and is probably rather unnerved at Toby's mental absence and the obviously store bought meal. More wine!
ReplyDeleteI’m with Sandi Ego - more wine! Maybe it would make this panel make sense! In vino, veritas!