Monday, December 12, 2016

Mary Worth 2470

The Actor's Theatre of Greater Metropolitan Santa Royale presents "Iris Tells Mary About Zak."


  1. Not sure what was The Best Part for me: the dramatic musical moment or the Surprise Appearance by MTM supplying her own quote. Terrific!

    I'm sure this is exactly how it sounds when "people" say this dreck in real life (but we all know they never, ever do).

  2. An early Christmas gift from Wanders (and the ATGMSR) - fabulous!! I second @Nance - the Dramatic Musical Moment and the cameo by MTM are ideal touches. This was inspired, Wanders - huzzah! Iris and Mary staring straight ahead as they mouth the insipid dialogue captures their (lack of) direct interaction in the strip to perfection.

    In today's strip, I was surprised to see a wreath on Mary's door. This doesn't mean it's Christmastime in Santa Royale, though. Those could be aromatic kelk leaves, which Mary will use in her abysmal cooking.

  3. If you add a five o'clock shadow, you can use the same avatar for Tommy. Brilliant work, Wanders. You captured the mind numbing ennui of Moy's prose.

  4. Well Done, Wanders! But you put the wrong empPHASsis on the wrong sylLAble.


  5. Brilliant!

    I've been wondering if Mary is aware that Zak is Tommy's age and that he wants to dine with Iris.

    Perhaps a week or two more clarifying that is in order.

  6. I am floating in Nirvana. Thanks for this gift, Wanders.

  7. Yea!! Thank you Wanders. This was your best yet. I hope they go to the Bum Boat and run into Jeff having dinner with his son.

  8. Wanders, the Mary Tyler Moore appearance really tickled me.

    I'd like to think that while I'm in the middle of a deep conversation about making meaningful life decisions, Mary Tyler Moore is on the other side of a wall weighing in with an aphorism.

  9. Those are exactly the voices I imagine Mary and Iris having.

  10. Dawn Weston's Evil TwinDecember 12, 2016 at 10:05 PM

    Thanks for that, Wanders! It was truely wanderful!!!

    But OMG ... that was like a bad therapy session. Why do so many people go to Mary for advice??? I love the new art, but I think that the new Mary doesn't just look different ... she IS different. Would the plastically perfect old Mary (who also seemed to look like an actual older person, unlike the present Mary) have given such insipid advice? "Maybe you should have DINNER with him then." Wha...?!?!? The old Mary would've sensed weakness and then lunged in, micromanaging every aspect of Iris's personal life! We don't need this laid-back, everything-goes Mary! We want the micromanaging meddler! Please BRING her BACK!


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