Monday, January 9, 2017

Mary Worht 2492

Wait. That's it? No angst? No meddling? Iris knows what she wants, Mary offers almost sarcastic encouragement, and Iris doesn't care what Mary thinks? Remind me again why I read this comic strip? Because it sure as heck isn't for this!


  1. Ah, passive-agressive Mary is my favorite. Yes, good luck with THAT, Iris. I'm sure it will work out really well.

    And it's a lovely touch for Iris to wear a Mickey Mouse necklace in stylish blue. It must be Zac Boy Toy's favorite color.

    Wanders, you seem to be having fun with this ridiculous storyline!

  2. "Good luck with that, Iris! And I hate your stupid necklace!"

    The package Mary is holding contains the ashes of Dear Jack.

  3. Today's offering was completely and totally pointless. It accomplished nothing whatsoever. It did not add information, create dramatic tension, introduce a new character or plot point, advance the plot in any way, or do any of the things I used to require of my students in my Creative Writing I class when they were writing drama.


  4. In a way, sarcastic Mary is kind of refreshing. But I'm hoping KM is not turning the strip into "The Life and Loves of Iris Beedie".

  5. KitKat, I was going to say that box has Dr Jeff's ashes. We haven't seen him lately, have we? and there's got to be a reason Mary is in too much of a hurry to meddle.

  6. So when Mary receives a complicated Dear Wendy question does she answer with a "good luck with that!" or does she just press Delete?

  7. Mary's response ("Good luck with THAT, Iris") is unquestionably as snarky (and nasty) as she can possibly give. A sincere (or non-nasty) response in American English would be "Good LUCK with that, Iris." Perhaps Santa Royale has its own unique of dialect that is spoken nowhere else.

  8. Dawn Weston's Evil TwinJanuary 9, 2017 at 9:29 PM

    Let's continue our game of "Where's Wilbur?" ... I think that Wilbur is on the Delaware-sized section of the Antarctic ice shelf that is about to break off and float away into the Southern Ocean. Won't Iris be sad that she never answered his e-mail while she could?

    Also, that white-haired woman is an imposter. Mary Worth smells weakness like a shark smells blood. The real Mary Worth would move in for the kill ... er, she would manipulate Iris into her apartment and onto her couch for LONG, LONG sermons about finding out what her heart is saying to her and ... blah ... blah ... blah ...

    I'm with Wanders! THAT'S what I want to see in this strip!


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.