Thursday, February 9, 2017

Mary Worth 2515

"... but -- Ow! Ow! Ow! Zak, you're hurting my hand!"


  1. Why are they doing this? This story line is so much more interesting than the usual dreck. And it has the potential to be exceedingly bad, and I mean that in a good way.

    Beg, Zak. Beg her to stay. Say to her, "Kiss me. Kiss me as if it were the last time." No, wait.

  2. To show Zak that she has no hard feelings about their doomed romance, Iris wore her clown blouse just for this occasion.

  3. Today's Boldface Haiku is titled "Our Spot Revelation":

    Great deal...Great times. Any!
    Neither do I!

    *I hope you've enjoyed today's Boldface Haiku. Tune in tomorrow for another installment of Boldface Haiku.

  4. Iris has pulled her dress on over her Baptismal gown.

  5. KitKat and Fauxprof - I love both of your comments regarding the ruffles. Might it also be that we've found Jerry Seinfeld's puffy shirt?

  6. Iris dumps Zak. Wilbur is still eating blubber sammiches in the tundra. Now we'll have to return to that idiot who can't decide which job to take. At least we'll have a new character to deliver our schadenfreude.

  7. Dawn Weston's Evil TwinFebruary 9, 2017 at 2:28 PM

    Iris: "I realize, though, we live very different lives."
    You got that right, sister! Zak is a successful graduate student making progress toward his degree, and you're just taking a class here and there, never studying, making no progress whatsoever. You've only ever passed the classes you took with your stepdaughter-to-be Dawn ... because you cheated off of her on the test! ... Gasp!

  8. AND ... Why does seeing Zak in the hall with his friends put Iris off the whole relationship? Shouldn't she have had this realization when the four of them went to a concert together and Zak's friends ridiculed Iris for her clothes? (Imagine that!)

    ... I care too much about this strip. Maybe I need to break up with it.

  9. Maybe Iris is pregnant.


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