Monday, September 25, 2017

Mary Worth 2701

I love June's interpretation of Dawn's "ugly cry." No matter how ugly Dawn gets, she's still adorable. And no matter how bad her timing, Mary knows that (where Weston's are concerned) if she comes attached to a warm pan of muffins, the Meddling Door swings open wide.


  1. Geez, for a second there I thought I was looking in a mirror!

  2. Is Dawn supposed to be drunk or hungover in panel one? I don't think we've ever seen her depicted quite this slouchily previously.

  3. Can't wait for Wilbur's return.

    Wilbur: Hi Dawn. What did you do while I was away?
    Dawn: Hi Dad. First, I dated my college professor. Then I dated my married boss.

  4. Dawn: And somewhere in there I watched Iris date a man who’s younger than you and hotter than you.

  5. That's even worse than I look in the morning, and I'm pushing 70. Definitely a panel of the year contender. Now, can Dawn pull herself together enough to put on a pot of coffee to go with that entire tray of muffins? Or at least fire up the Keurig?


  6. "Good morning, Dawn. Mind if I barge in? Too bad. Criminy, you look like hell. So how's that sleazy 'friend' of yours?"

    -- Scottie McW.

  7. If Dawn looks like this now, imagine how much worse she'll look after consuming that entire pan of muffins.

    Notice how Mary emphasizes these are HOMEMADE muffins but doesn't say SHE made them. Invisible thought bubble: "Thank goodness I can palm off these crappy muffins that Toby baked. Just like her father, Dawn will eat anything."

  8. “Carrot muffins”? Just what Dawn needs after a two day drinking binge.

  9. Today's Boldface Haiku is titled "Mary, Queen Of Muffins, Meddling, And Massive Understatement".

    Hello! Carrot muffins. Bad time?
    N-no. Thank you! Love!
    Are? Job?

  10. As GAME OF THRONES rambles on in the background...

  11. Are carrot muffins a thing now?

  12. I think if Dawn is serious about cooling Jared's jets, now might be a good time to contact him via FaceTime.

  13. Hope those are your famous Naloxone Carrot Muffins, Mary. Looks like Dawn's been hitting the Vicodin pretty hard.

  14. How did Dawn go from "tee-hee, should I break up with this lying adulterer?" to righteous anger to disheveled mourning? Somehow after this entire story, I can't believe Ned meant enough to her to leave her in this kind of shape.

  15. Dawn looks like Doonesbury.


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