Thursday, March 22, 2018

Mary Worth 2845

And they will be together forever because now they are ZOMBIES!


  1. Whatever is going on in Beautiful Italy has got to be infinitely more interesting than this.

    BTW, I assume this couple is standing still, because if they're actually walking like that, they have problems I don't want to know about.

    -- Scottie McW.

  2. Well, Wanders, if they’re looking for brains, they’ve come to the wrong town. Seriously, I guess Baren Coy has opted for the Mopey Wilbur storyline. We’re in for a mild ride.

  3. I'm okay with a Wilbur storyline provided it leads to him getting his lights punched out for being severely annoying.

  4. Wilbur needs to look inward and ask himself if he can really think of any reason why anyone would choose to spend time with him. What would Wendy say?

  5. Harold slams his arm onto Mildred's shoulder, nearly knocking her to the ground.

    Harold: Mildred, can't you go any faster? I think that's Wilbur Weston, sneaking up behind us.
    Mildred: Oh for crying out loud, not again! That mooch must have smelled the ham I put in the oven before we left the apartment for our walk.

  6. St. Patrick's Day is over, but I suspect tomorrow's strip will feature Wilbur crying in his beer...

  7. Today's Boldface Haiku is titled

    "Santa Royale Gothic With A Side Of Self-Pity".

    Hmmph! Nice.
    Iris stupidity!

  8. I take it that today is not the day to ask how are Wilbur's parenting skills.

  9. I’m calling it right here and now: Esmerelda’s going to show up again & prove to Wilbur that he was all wrong about her.

  10. June must’ve giggled drawing this couple. This isn’t her version of Sean and Hanna (Dingdon) Hastings, is it?

    The last time we saw Wilbur walking here, he was optimistic, accepting of Iris moving on, and patting himself on the back. That didn’t stick. Maybe he should sign up for salsa lessons at the Santa Royale Lifelong Learning Center.

  11. wilby wilberson sneaks up on his prey...

  12. Well, if we are lucky, or if we are unlucky, Wilbur will reinvent himself- go to the gym, go vegan, read the great gray books in Esperanto, have his smile whitened, get a hair transplant, get a personal stylist, shop at Blarney’s and Schnooks Brothers, fly to Beautiful Italy and stalk Dawn who won’t recognize the new Wilbur, flirt with Signorina Caterina and perhaps buy her an emerald....DANG! I’ve just given away my whole next scenario. Never mind...

  13. That's no old lady - that's Jared in a gray wig.

  14. Is it me or does the old man look like an aged Les from Funky Winkerbean?

  15. @meg I like it. But his hot Colombian giantess needs to reappear.

  16. Tim, Signorina Caterina makes Fabiana look like Danny DeVito in drag.

  17. Dawn Weston's Evil TwinMarch 22, 2018 at 8:23 PM

    Oh, Wilbur! It's not your STUPIDITY that lost you Iris! It's that HOT, RICH Zak that lost you Iris! Get a grip! ... Plus, I think that the nice, lovey-dovey couple fell into the pond in panel 2!


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