Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mary Worth 3201

The winner of tonight's mystery meat contest is Jeffrey Corbin who guessed "some kind of beef."


  1. Ok, I’ll accept that it’s turkey lasagna. There are obvious layers, and those could be, indeed, lasagna noodles. Perhaps it’s a Thanksgiving-themed variation, with turkey gravy instead of tomato sauce, mashed potatoes instead of ricotta, and yams instead of mozzarella. Incidentally, I don’t like to just plop a square of lasagna on a plate and serve it to a guest. It’s nice to serve a side salad for a little variety—but I guess the tall glasses of gin serve that purpose.

  2. So Wilbur's been gone for several months? But Hugo spent only one month painting the house? Do time and space mean nothing in the Worthiverse?


  3. [miffed] "Uh, that's not turkey lasagna. It's a taco bake."

    [thinking, It IS????] "Oh. . . . Uh, well, it's good too."

    -- Scottie McW.

  4. Turkey lasagna?! Leave it to KM to make the big suspense of the week be that Mary made turkey lasagna for Dawn. I can imagine the conversation between KM and JB over what to make Sunday's strip about now that Hugo is long distance and Wilbur hasn't returned. JB: People are always interested in food. Let's make Sunday's big reveal be that Mary made turkey lasagne for Dawn!
    KM: Genius! I really didn't feel like coming up with small talk at a pool party yet. I'm saving that for when the California wildfires make an appearance next month. Mary and Co. will appreciate being in the pool when the condos get swept away in a firestorm. JB: Oooh! I can't wait to illustrate THAT!

  5. I'm having a little trouble reading the caption, Wanders. But I don't think turkey qualifies as beef.

  6. Ha, I stand by guess that the “food” was Kelk/Splak Lasagna. Mary’s annoyed that Dawn can’t tell kelk and Splak from turkey but is too bored to correct her. Mary’s focused on yanking the advice column from Wilbur. BTW, does she think Dawn has forgotten dear old dad’s name, so she says it to remind his dim daughter?

  7. She does the column? All Mary does is type generic platitudes into her huge desktop, not realizing it is not connected to the internet of today, but to a decaying 256 dialup service ( It will take weeks before anyone ever gets her response, let alone in print. I am sure she got her recipe for turkey lasanga from the Galloping Gourmet.

    Mary should have left by by the side of New Country Road.

  8. Chester the Dog: If that turkey lasagna is a Galloping Gourmet recipe, it's sure to include plenty of wine.
    "Just a short slurp!"


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