Sunday, March 29, 2020

Mary Worth 3323

This is their life together now. Endlessly declaring their love for one another and aimlessly wandering through a bad part of town.

Just to take a break from Mary Worth, I want to wish each of you a very special week. This is a difficult time for many families that have been effected by COVID-19. All of us, including those we may target with occasional snarks, are impacted by it in some way. I have never intended to be mean-spirited with this blog, but have hoped to create a place where we can unleash a little laughter and joy over our favorite comic strip, which is compelled by its genre to take itself way too seriously - but not always. Anyway, this is just my way of thanking everyone for your collaboration and kindness. Most of us are hunkering down and isolated, and being able to connect here with each of you has been a real relief. If you want to send me an email, you can at I'd love to hear from you anytime.


  1. Dawn and Jared being vaporized by a UFO was not how I expected this to wrap up.

  2. Wanders, thanks for your message, and for providing this space. We’re all in this together, and being able to connect with this community and share laughs makes each day brighter. (Speaking of brighter, Mr. KitKat is currently watching Weird Al Yankovic videos, LOL.)

    I found another Thomas Moore quotation that might be more instructive for Jared, or even Hugo: “My only books were women’s looks. And folly’s all they taught me.” Just a word to the wise....

  3. TimP, would that we were so lucky...

  4. Thank you, Wanders. Both for your kindliness, and for providing us this forum. I’m preparing for a week in which Dawn and Jared wander from lamppost to lamppost...and all of us trying to find something funny to say.

  5. I find myself strangely comforted by Mary Worth being oblivious to COVID 19. Perhaps there is a virus-free future, however I don't think we can count on a Wilbur-free future. And thanks, M. Wanders, for your message. Here's hoping all of us are able to stay healthy and safe, and inspired to laugh every day.

  6. Thank you Wanders for your tireless devotion to the cause of Worthology. Hope you and everyone else who comments here are keeping safe and healthy.

    I’ve been having a nightmare lately that, when current events finally percolate through into the _Mary Worth_ writing-and-publishing cycle, Moy will use COVID-19 as a pretext for finally killing off the 140-odd-year-old title character and renaming the strip _The Westons_ (which is effectively what it’s already become in the last few years, with Mary herself almost fading into Barney Googledom).

  7. Does the travel ban include the Worthiverse? Wouldn't it be nice if we could all ride this virus thing out in Santa Royale where the worst thing that could happen is Mary showing up at your door with a salmon casserole in one of Libby's old disposable litter boxes?

    Thank you, Wanders, for providing a safe, happy place for all of us to come to every morning. Stay well everyone!


  8. Good night Mrs. Kalabash -- wherever you are!

    Jimmy Durante

  9. Thanks, Wanders. We appreciate you.

  10. Wanders, thank you for making me laugh everyday. I look forward to you and our fellow snarkers making me laugh, especially in these times. I am working from home now and it's not as fun as I thought it would be. All of you make my day. Again, thanks for being there.

  11. Wanders, you give me a reason to fire up the laptop each day. Yours is an essential service, as far as I'm concerned.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.