Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Mary Worth 3607

You should try therapy, it's much quicker. And your "friends" will thank you! Your dogs don't mind, though, because "dogs are great, aren't they?"


  1. Welcome to today's episode of "Filler Theater," joined in progress . . . well, not exactly progress. More like mired in mud.

    You're shameless, Moy. Shameless!

    -- Scottie McW.

  2. Good catch, Wanders. Now we know why Eve and Saul never change their wardrobe — it expedites the recycling immensely. Any day now there will be a press release announcing that the title of the strip has been changed to “Mary Worth, Featuring the Tiresome Twosome, Saul and Eve.”

    I can’t wait to see what Nance does with today’s BFH. BTW, Nance, hilarious work with yesterday’s!

    Panel 2: Eve’s arm has disappeared, but Thing E. Thing of The Addams Family is making a cameo appearance to hold Eve’s drink. Thank you, Thing.

    1. You'd think Eve and Saul would be getting smelly.

  3. I felt a little shift myself this morning, when I pulled up today’s strip and saw that we’re still hanging out with Saul and Eve. I think it was my breakfast coming up.

  4. Can these two just go away already? Where is Libby?

  5. I thought Saul was originally an old grouch with no friends except his dog. As a grouchy old cat lady, I object to the wimpification of Saul. Bring back Grouchy Saul!

  6. Good catch, Wanders. Brigman is as bored with this strip as we are. Why bother drawing new panels when it's the same old stuff, day after day?

  7. That "shift", dear Eve, was probably an earthquake. You're on the West Coast now.


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