Monday, April 3, 2023

Mary Worth 4230

Careful, Estelle, it may just be a hot flash. Hard to tell the difference sometimes.


  1. I was going to request that the Partridge Family’s “I Think Love You” be added to the Charterstone Jukebox, but I immediately thought better of that. No one except Estelle and Ed wants to hear it. I guess it might be amazing that these lovebirds can play anything on the piano considering all the dog hair and cat fur on the keyboard.

    Meanwhile, Mary’s outside Estelle’s door, pressing her ear to it and wondering if she can “borrow” a stethoscope from Mountain View Hospital to enhance her future surveillance ability.

  2. June must get paid a lot to be able to illustrate this stuff and still keep her breakfast down.

  3. Over the last several years, the French Bulldog had risen to become the most popular breed of dog in the US. Breeders are puzzling over the fact that now they can't even give them away. Animal shelters across the country report the same problem. No one seems to want a Frenchie any longer. Or a fluffy cat, for that matter.



  4. And NauseaFest drags on.

    -- Scottie

  5. Thats it ? You gotta start a new story now unless some unknown nonsense is ready to happen .

  6. I’ve seen June’s comic book art, so I know she knows how to draw cats. Maybe she just hates these Worthiverse cats?

  7. Nice to see a family-friendly kiss here in the Worthiverse. Wouldn't want to shock the animals, after all. KitKat, I love the idea of Mary hanging out, Gladys Kravitz-like, in search of a stethoscope to assist in completing her latest mission..

  8. @fauxprof, you make a good point. None of us can stomach Libby, Pierre, and Odin, but we denizens of the Worthiverse can only wield snark. June has the power of the pen, and she’s letting it rip with this Terrible Trio.

    BTW, Ed loves to run his fingers through Estelle’s hair because it’s just like cuddling Odin (gag).

  9. Indeed, LouiseF and KitKat, Mary Worth has her ear pressed to a glass on Estelle’s front door. But not because she is a nosy, interfering old biddie. (Although she is, of course.)

    Mary, the unofficial manager of Charterstone, has a chance to score some big bucks if she can find a reason to evict Estelle. (Hilton Berkes, Ian’s boss at SRCC, has offered Mary 5G if she can get him the luxury unit which Estelle occupies.)

    Now, Mary has Estelle in her clutches. The Charterstone lease specifies no more than two people and two pets may occupy the apartment, and Odin is in violation!

    At one minute past midnight, Mary will force the door open with a battering muffin. 10,9,8,7,6,5….

  10. @KitKat, I also thought of the Partridge Family’s “I Think Love You”. Stelle's idea of love does have that bubble gum music vibe.

  11. David Cassidy died of dementia. Word has it that he was a dedicated follower of the Mary Worth comic strip. Be warned, my friends, be warned.


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