Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mary Worth 460

It is rare that both panels in the daily strip are so exquisite that I am compelled to straddle the copyright border and print the entire strip. Today is such a day.

A victim of identity theft? We know a lot about that! We also know someone who can help: Terry Bryson! But will he really need Terry's help after Adrian so maternally offers to take care of him?

And we thought today's strip would be banal.


  1. "It's okay Ted - I read all about identity theft in Mary Worth so I understand what you're going through".

    Who is the mysterious stranger wearing the crazy checkerboard t-shirt? I don't really care who it is but I can't get enough of that shirt.

  2. Shandyowl: That is not a t-shirt, but a real checkerboard the patron is leaving with. The artist cleverly drew our attention away while Checkerboardman was beating Kim Jong-Il and winning those cool vintage Korean War ear muffs. Plans are to sell them to Mary for coffee cup insulators.

  3. Adrian has to be the dumbest doctor in Santa Royale.

    Apparently Ted did not consult with Terry Bryson after his identity theft, or his credit would be in fine shape by now.

    If he has no credit cards, how does he travel around the world for his magazine?

  4. I don't think Ted was actually a victim of identity theft. "Identity theft" is the new "I left my wallet at home".

    I have never trusted Ted. I just am not sure what he is up to exactly.

    I know his whole story is a scam of some sort. He is probably signed up for a lot of city fan websites. Once he gets Adrian's money, he will be off to the next city "he grew up in".

  5. You see, I went online to buy a DVD called Santa Royale Memories narrated by the great Joe Pepitone, and I found an incredible deal at A few days after I made my purchase, I received an email from the accounting department of asking me to verify my credit card number. It seemed legitimate, but perhaps it wasn't on the level. Oh dear, how silly of me. If only I had educated myself on the dangers of identity theft. Oh Queenie, you have saved me so much embarrassment...say, do you have some cash on you, dear? I just remembered that I lost my ATM card on my last assignment and might be in a bit of a cashflow crunch.

  6. Kim Jong-il is really enjoying this whole scenario, isn't he!? I also love the railing that is going nowhere and serves no purpose!

    Ted, Adrian will take care of you the way she took care of dear old dad when he was dying in Vietnam. Not!

    She is indeed the WORST doctor on the Mountview Hospital staff. Everyone there knows it. Her next gig (after she's fired) will be at SR's other hospital, "St. Buster's" doublewide. It's over there near the women's center (remember where Rita Beglar stayed?) Sadly, the brick walls have cracks in them, and lowlifes w/ thunderbolt tattoos lean against the lightpoles. Scary!

  7. Hello Ms. Adrian, I name Sheik Ali and I get proposition to you bcause my homeland have political instable and my wealth unsafe. If you give me bank account number and 10,000 american dollar for expense, I deposit sum of 10,000,000 Euro into account For such service I grant you commission of 1,000,000 Euro. I look forward to reply in fast time.

  8. The question is, when will Mary stick her nose in? Back in Lake Plac-er, Tranquil, she was going full throttle by this point.

  9. I think Mary secretly dislikes Adrian and is tickled pink that she's the only one who's figured out Ted's nefarious schemes, resulting in Adrian's empty bank account and broken heart.

  10. Thank goodness Ted has good self-esteem. You know, some folks would spend a lot of time ruminating about whether their better-educated significant other would think less of them for falling victim to identity theft. Time that could really be much better spent retiling the floor....

    Whereas Ted readily admits to his physician fiancee that he is a victim of identity theft: "You know, the intertubes are a dangerous place, where you only meet manipulative con artists... I mean .. uhm.... hey did I ever tell you why I call you 'Queenie'?"

  11. Ted's taken to touching his own face now. Adrian's got him addicted to it!


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