Friday, March 13, 2009

Mary Worth 461

Unless of course, you bank with Bank of Santa Royale and have a friend like Terry Bryson. They'll have you back to maxing out your credit card in no time.

Today's Full Strip


  1. She's preparing to touch his face.

  2. Do I get the feeling that Moy was once a victim of identity theft?

  3. Is she going to lasso the lothario with her purse? Ive never seen anyone pick up a purse like that.

  4. For a doctor, Adrian really speaks in a strange way. "No need for a bypass, Miss Smith, as your heart is in sterling condition."

    Adj: Consisting of or relating to sterling or British money.

    Made of sterling silver: a sterling teaspoon.

    Of the highest quality: a person of sterling character.

    So, her credit is of the highest quality.

    This seems to be the only good thing about Adrian, so far.

  5. There are no adequate words for the awful-ness that is Adrian's hair.

  6. Wow, another credit storyline. Is this comic now being sponsored by

  7. Ted's thought balloons are so lame - he might as well start twirling his mustache and laughing maniacally. At least that would be entertaining.

    I know time generally moves slowly in Charterstone. And it was obvious that Ted was going to be trouble. But what little suspense the strip contained was eliminated at the first dinner, when Moy gave away that Ted is after the Coreys for their money (pretty obvious anyway, but we could at least pretend something else might happen).

    I mean, until Aldo drove off the cliff and was pronounced dead, there was always the possibility that (yawn) he would be redeemed, or (fun) he'd have a psychotic break, and kidnap and terrorize Mary until she was rescued by Toby and Ian...

    The only interest left in this storyline is betting on how much money will Adrian lose - and whether or not Lydia really dead.

  8. Anon: Lydia not dead? What an exciting plot twist that would be? She is back at Nations Geography magazine (circulation of 4), madly typing away in the secretarial pool, waiting for Ted to return from some far away country. Her phone rigs and at the other end, it's Mary Worth herself, wanting to subscribe to the magazine.

    LYDIA: "Nations Geography, this is Lydia."

    MW: (in thought balloon)"!"

  9. I just read a book by Elinor (or perhaps Eleanor) Lipman, the plot of which would sync with this perfectly. Man has excuse to be away a great deal of the time (check!) because he has a girlfriend, with whom he scams women to whom he gets engaged (check!) and uses their credit cards to finance their (that is the scammer and the girlfriend's) tacky lifestyle (double check!). Perhaps Moy read this, or perhaps it as obvious as the grease on Ted's hair.

  10. Rats: should be "it is as obvious..." I won't blame myself; it's late here in Charterstone.

  11. Oh bloody heck, Adrian! Would you please wring out the light sweet crude from the black mop on your head! America needs oil! Gaaah!

    On the other hand, I am impressed by Giella's ability to draw believable grease.


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