Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mary Worth 471

In the length of time it takes to find out your fiance is an unemployed writer ::shudder:: and your cherished doctor's salary is now salary for two, Adrian has managed to reverse her jacket and swap her black blouse for a red turtle neck. Given the overwhelmingly negative response by our readers to being called "Queenie," I'm thinking you're thinking it is time for a change.

Today's Full Strip


  1. So Adrian really does live in her car and just popped home to change?

    In structural terms there is no difference between an employed writer and an unemployed writer.

  2. I'm starting to think that this dude could get LOSER tattooed on his forehead and Queenie would still tell him everything's ok.

    Oh well BTDT myself. Sigh.

  3. Perhaps Queenie, or maybe Ted and Mary, could simply adopt Ted.

  4. Sorry -- I meant JEFF and Mary...

  5. @Tony: When you said Ted and Mary, I thought that Ted Baxter and Mary Richards were going to take in Ted Confey. Or that maybe he was their lovechild.

  6. This story has nowhere to go. Does Ted have anything going for him? Maybe he is just a good "face toucher"

  7. I'm beginning to think that Ted is not a confidence man but just the biggest schlemiel in the history of schlemiels. He trusted his financial affairs to Arnie the swindler and fell victim to identity theft. His old media job is history. If I were Ted, I'd be careful walking down the sidewalk, because he is almost certainly going to get soaked by a passing car driving through a puddle while a muted trombone plays a forlorn Wah-Wah.

  8. To Anonymous: With regard to BTDT, did you mean you were in Ted's or Adrien's situation?

  9. Adrian's wardrobe change to a dark, angry ensemble is meant to signal the rising rage in her at Ted's apparent ineptitude. I think the Queen is about to yell "Off with his head!" But that would ruin all the Mary Worth fun.

  10. Toby, angered by her boyfriend's loserishness, has donned the Black Sweater O' Doom; the sweater will now begin leeching out Ted's life-force, eventually killing him...just like all of Adrian's other former boyfriends who "angered" her.

    Oh, Ted; the moment you saw her reveal her true, demonic face, you should have run for the hills. Now it's too're lost. But rest assured--Mary Worth fans will never forget you, or your awesome 'stache. Rest in peace, Ted.

  11. Here comes Ted...wah wah wah (maybe he could date Debbie Downer)

  12. Nathan - You are so right about Adrian's demon face! Homicidal thoughts definitely lurking beneath the surface of THAT look!

    Poor Ted. I keep thinking about that catchy song on the old "Hee Haw" tv show, ..."if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all! Gloom, Despair, and Agony on me." (nuts, now that song is stuck in my head!!)

  13. Tony: When I read "...Ted and Mary...", I was afraid that Mary had alreday meddled her way into the situation and I had missed it.

    BaHa: LOL

    Moy is really channelling Tom Batiuk today. Perhaps Ted will announce tomorrow that he has cancer

  14. -.- Let me guess, she's still going to try to marry this loser. And you know that when you're called a loser in the MARY WORTH comic strip, you've got it bad. Hell, at least Jeff Corey has a job and freaking boat.

  15. No, Ted, NO!!!!! You're not supposed to let her know about your financial and employment woes until AFTER you're married.

  16. Things seem to be falling apart for poor Ted rather quickly considering Moy's customary pace. How long do you suppose it's been since the dinner that had Ted making his generous pledge to Peace Village? At that time he was gainfully employed with a prestigious puplication, his identity apparently had not yet been pilfered and he wasn't living out of Adrian's car. How did it go so wrong so quickly?

  17. Does anyone remember that Ted was on leave? I don't remember that part. Was it because of his grief for Lydia? I am really stumped now. I guess we will see how much Adrian loves Ted/ or how gullible she is tomorrow.
    and what does BTDT mean?

  18. Been there, done that. I have personal experience being a loser magnet so I sympathize with Adrian.

  19. Adrian's headed to Loserville. I didn't know you could get there by car.

  20. No wonder Lydia died.

    She could see Ted was on the Express train to Destitution City and realised that a divorce wouldn't get her off the ride quickly enough.

    Desperate times call for desperate measures....

    No. Wait, isn't this all part of the con?

  21. Numbat: Right on Lydias death. Or did she fake it to avoid being responsible for Teds huge Discover card balance? I am sure Nations Geography magazine doesn't use Diners Club for their corporate expenses.

    Where is Mary Worth? Crouched next to Adrians car, listening to every word? Please let it be so.

    This dull story has turned out to be a lot of fun! Thanks Wanders.

  22. I hope they collect pop cans in Santa Royale, cause Ted is gonna need them. Soon, Mary will hear a rustling from the Charterstone recycling bin...


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