Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mary Worth 472

Lynn is quite right. The order of things Jeff will be thinking of is:
1. Why am I still dating Mary Worth? Give me one good reason! Besides the fact that we both like seafood.

2. I'm getting low on Grecian Formula.

3. How will Ted support my daughter? She's only a doctor with no marketable skills.

4. If he is broke, how will he pay that impressive donation he pledged?
Yes, of all four things that will occupy Jeff's mind, the donation is indeed last.

Today's Full Strip


  1. He may also be thinking about how his daughter changes her clothes so quickly, in a car, with her seatbelt fastened.

  2. Considering the rapid costume changes taking place in the transforming automobile with various parts disappearing, etc. I believe we are being treated to a very artful montage of conversations taking place over an extended course of time. Ortherwise one might be tempted to believe that Ted has been less than forth-coming in his representations to Adrian and her father.

  3. Hmmmm, a doctor with self esteem issues? It says a lot about Adrian's desperation that she's still talking to a gigolo she met online who is hot to elope on her doctor's salary. I think she should join her brother in Vietnam until she gets her head on straight.

  4. The donation won't even enter Jeff's mind at dinner because after a few drinks he will start making objectionable comments about minorities and the maitre d' will have to ask him to leave.

  5. I'm getting a bit fidgety and claustrophobic peering into Adrian's car. We have been sitting here HOW many days now?

    I hope we aren't going back to Golden Corridor again. May I suggest the Bum Boat? They have the best scampi dishes, and the decor changes daily.

  6. This storyline has improbably become even scarier than the last "Beware the Internet!" storyline (Toby's ID theft ordeal). Dang, Moy, why you so down on the Internet, when this is where your most passionate readers are? Maybe she's being "campy"/"self-aware"?

  7. "Dad will be too engrossed with those Bum Boat waiters running around with fish on their shoulders to think about my fiance's sudden brokeness."

  8. As a publishing freelancer myself, I would never say "I have some prospective business deals lined up." I would say that I had jobs coming in. Fake from top to bottom, that Ted.

  9. Even with all of his financial problems, Ted's still knee deep in mustache wax. Then again, he IS quite the charmer! I wonder if the reason Adrian's clothes keep changing and reversing themselves is simply an old-fashioned case of ''If this mid-size sedan's a rockin', don't come a knockin'''? If so, that easy to remove steering wheel is a great idea!

  10. I have come to believe that the car and seat-belt are symbolic of Adrian as prisoner of her own romantic love. And, of course, to return us to the literary setting of Aldo's last moments, another victim of love's passion and inevitable pain. No, it's not the internet we're being warned to stay away from.

  11. I think maconmemad's idea makes sense. I just kept wondering if they were ever getting out of that car. It is after all the only dating venue that Ted can afford right now.

  12. I have it on good authority that Moy is anti-internet because she was the victim of a Nigerian advance fee scam and has never recovered financially. Hence she has no choice but to continue to pen Mary Worth although her heart just isn't in it anymore.

  13. Maybe they are at the drive thru at Santa Royales only fast food place, Windees.


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